UNIMARC Bibliographic Format

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Field SF Description
$6 0..1 Interfield Linking Data
$a 0..1 Number (ISBN)
$b 0..* Qualification
$d 0..1 Terms of Availability and/or Price
$z 0..* Erroneous ISBN
$a 0..1 Number (ISSN)
$b 0..1 Qualification
$d 0..* Terms of Availability and/or Price
$f 0..1 ISSN-L or linking ISSN
$g 0..* Cancelled ISSN-L
$y 0..* Cancelled ISSN
$z 0..* Erroneous ISSN or ISSN-L
$2 0..1 Fingerprint System Code
$5 0..1 Institution and copy to which Field Applies
$a 0..1 Fingerprint
$a 0..1 Number (ISMN)
$b 0..1 Qualification
$d 0..1 Terms of Availability and/or Price
$z 0..* Erroneous ISMN
$2 0..1 System Code
$a 0..1 Article Identifier
$z 0..* Erroneous Article Identifier
$a 0..1 Number (ISRN)
$b 0..1 Qualification
$d 0..1 Terms of Availability and/or Price
$z 0..* Cancelled/Invalid/Erroneous ISRN
$a 0..1 Number (ISRC)
$b 0..1 Qualification
$d 0..1 Terms of Availability and/or Price [Obsolete]
$z 0..* Erroneous ISRC
$2 0..1 Source of code
$a 0..1 Standard Number
$b 0..1 Qualification
$d 0..1 Terms of Availability and/or Price
$z 0..* Erroneous Number or Code
018 0..1 [RESERVED]
$a 0..1 Country Code codes from http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1140221
$b 0..1 Number
$z 0..* Erroneous number
$a 0..1 Country Code codes from http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1140221
$b 0..1 Number
$z 0..* Erroneous Number
$a 0..1 Country Code codes from http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1140221
$b 0..1 Number
$z 0..* Erroneous Number
$a 0..1 Persistent Record Identifier
$z 0..* Cancelled or Invalid Persistent Record Identifier
$a 0..1 System Control Number
$z 0..* Cancelled or Invalid Control Number
$2 0..1 System code for musical notation
$a 0..1 Number of work
$b 0..1 Number of movement
$c 0..1 Number of incipit
$d 0..1 Voice/instrument
$e 0..1 Role
$f 0..* Movement caption/heading
$g 0..1 Key or mode
$m 0..1 Clef
$n 0..1 Key signature
$o 0..1 Time signature
$p 0..1 Musical notation
$q 0..* Comments (free text)
$r 0..1 Codified note
$t 0..* Text incipit
$u 0..* Uniform Resource Identifier
$z 0..* Language of text codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
040 0..* CODEN (SERIALS)
$a 0..1 CODEN
$z 0..* Erroneous CODEN
$a 0..1 Publisher's Number
$b 0..1 Source
$c 0..1 Qualification
$d 0..1 Terms of availability and/or price
$z 0..1 Erroneous publisher's number
$a 0..1 Standard Number
$b 0..1 Qualification
$c 0..1 Additional codes following standard number or code
$d 0..1 Terms of Availability and/or Price
$z 0..* Erroneous Number or Code
$a 0..1 Standard Number
$b 0..1 Qualification
$c 0..1 Additional codes following standard number or code
$d 0..1 Terms of Availability and/or Price
$z 0..* Erroneous Number or Code
$a 0..1 General Processing Data positions:
20 Government Publication
21 Modified Record Code
25 Transliteration Code
00-07 Date entered on file
08 Type of Publication Date: Publication Dates 1 and 2
09-12 Publication Date 1
13-16 Publication Date 2
17-19 Target Audience Code // comment Blank has to exist, at least for now, in order to indicate that some positions can be blank. What has to be covered is that the codes have to be consecutive from left to right, and when 'x' is specified, then it has to be the first and only code.
22-24 Language of Cataloguing (Mandatory)
26-27 Character Sets G0 set
28-29 Character Sets G1 set
30-31 Additional Character Sets G2
32-33 Additional Character Sets G3
34-35 Script of Title
$a 0..* Language of Text, Soundtrack etc codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$b 0..* Language of Intermediate Text when Item is Not Translated from Original codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$c 0..* Language of Original Work codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$d 0..* Language of Summary codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$e 0..* Language of Contents Page codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$f 0..* Language of Title Page if Different from Text codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$g 0..1 Language of Title Proper if Not First Language of Text, Soundtrack, etc codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$h 0..* Language of Libretto, etc codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$i 0..* Language of Accompanying Material (Other than Summaries, Abstracts or Librettos) codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$j 0..* Language of Subtitles codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$2 0..* Source of non-ISO code codes from unimarc-kos-a.6
$a 0..* Country of publication codes from http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1140221
$b 0..* Locality (non-ISO)
$c 0..* Locality (ISO)
$a 0..1 Monograph Coded Data positions:
10 Index indicator
11 Literature code
12 Biography code
00-03 Illustration codes
04-07 Form of contents codes
08 Conference or meeting code
09 Festschrift indicator
$a 0..1 Form of item: Coded Data: Medium Designator positions:
00 Medium designator
$a 0..1 Continuing Resource Coded Data positions:
10 Cumulative index availability code
00 Type of continuing resource designator
01 Frequency of issue
02 Regularity
03 Type of material code
04-06 Nature of contents code
07 Conference publication indicator
08 Title-page availability code
09 Index availability code
$a 0..1 Coded Data - General positions:
10 Presentation format - motion picture
15 Form of release - videorecording
16 Presentation format - videorecording
17 Base of emulsion material - visual projection
18 Secondary support material - visual projection
19 Broadcast standard - videorecording
00 Type of material
01-03 Length
04 Colour indicator
05 Sound indicator
06 Media for sound
07 Width or dimensions
08 Form of release - visual projection, motion picture
09 Technique - videorecording, motion picture
11-14 Accompanying material
$b 0..1 Motion Picture Coded Data - Archival positions:
00 Generation
01 Production elements
02 Refined categories of colour for moving pictures
03 Film emulsion (polarity)
04 Film base
05 Kind of sound for moving images
06 Kind of film stock or print
07 Deterioration stage
08 Completeness
09-12 Year. Four numeric characters
13-14 Month. Two numeric characters, right justified. Unused positions contain zeros.
$a 0..1 Coded Data for Graphics positions:
00 Specific material designation
01 Primary support material
02 Secondary support material The same codes are used within this element as with Primary support material (Character position 1), with the following additional code:
03 Colour
04-09 Techniques (Drawings, Paintings)
10-15 Technique (Prints)
16-17 Functional Designation
$a 0..1 Coded Data for Three-Dimensional Artefacts and Realia positions:
00-01 Specific Material Designation
02-07 Material
08 Colour
$a 0..1 Cartographic Material Coded Data (General) positions:
00 Colour indicator
01 Index indicator
02 Narrative text indicator
03-06 Relief codes
07-08 Map projection
09-12 Prime meridian
$a 0..1 Cartographic Material Coded Data: Physical attributes (General) positions:
00 Physical dimension
01-02 Primary cartographic image
03-04 Physical medium
05 Creation technique
06 Form of reproduction
07 Geodetic adjustment
08 Physical form of publication
$b 0..1 Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing Coded Data: Physical Attributes positions:
00 Altitude of Sensor
01 Attitude of sensor
02-03 Spectral bands
04 Quality of image
05 Cloud cover
06 Mean ground resolution values
07 Metric unit codes
$a 0..* Time period, 9999 BC to present positions:
00 Era identifier
01-04 Year (Mandatory)
05-06 Month
07-08 Day
09-10 Time
$a 0..1 Type of Scale a = linear scale
b = angular scale
z = other type of scale (e.g., time scale, quantitative statistical scale)
$b 0..* Constant Ratio Linear Horizontal Scale
$c 0..* Constant Ratio Linear Vertical Scale
$d 0..1 Co-ordinates - Westernmost Longitude positions:
00 Hemisphere
01-03 Degree
04-05 Minute
06-07 Second
$e 0..1 Co-ordinates - Easternmost Longitude positions:
00 Hemisphere
01-03 Degree
04-05 Minute
06-07 Second
$f 0..1 Co-ordinates - Northernmost Latitude positions:
00 Hemisphere
01-03 Degree
04-05 Minute
06-07 Second
$g 0..1 Coordinates - Southernmost Latitude positions:
00 Hemisphere
01-03 Degree
04-05 Minute
06-07 Second
$h 0..* Angular Scale
$i 0..1 Declination - Northern Limit positions:
00 Hemisphere
01-03 Degree
04-05 Minute
06-07 Second
$j 0..1 Declination - Southern Limit positions:
00 Hemisphere
01-03 Degree
04-05 Minute
06-07 Second
$k 0..1 Right ascension - Eastern Limits positions:
00-01 Hour
02-03 Minute
04-05 Second
$m 0..1 Right ascension - Western Limits positions:
00-01 Hour
02-03 Minute
04-05 Second
$n 0..1 Equinox
$o 0..1 Epoch
$p 0..1 Planet positions:
00-01 Planet
02 Satellite
$a 0..1 Character of Image a = non-photographic image
b = photographic image
c = remote sensing image
$b 0..* Form of Cartographic Item a = atlas
b = diagram
c = globe
d = map
e = model
f = profile
g = remote sensing image
h = section
i = view
j = plan
z = other
$c 0..* Presentation Technique for Photographic or Non-Photographic Image a a = anaglyphic
ab = polarized
ac = planimetric
ad = diagram map
ae = flowline map, flow map
af = dot map
ag = diagrammatric map (i.e. cartogram map)
ah = choropleth
ai = chorochromatic
aj = dasymetric
ak = isopleth
am = anamorphic
an = pictorial map
ao = spatial model on two dimensional surface
ap = mental or cognitive map
aq = views with horizon showing (includes bird's eye views and panoramas)
ar = views without horizon showing (includes bird's eye views and panoramas)
as = map view
da = picto map
db = random dot map
dc = screened
dd = not screened
$d 0..* Position of Platform for Photographic or Remote Sensing Image a = terrestrial
b = aerial
c = space
$e 0..* Category of Satellite for Remote Sensing Image a = meteorological
b = earth resources
c = space observing
$f 0..* Name of Satellite for Remote Sensing Image aa = Tiros
ab = ATS
ac = NOAA
ad = Nimbus
ga = ERTS
gb = Landsat I
gc = Landsat II
gd = Landsat III
ge = Seasat
gf = Skylab
gg = Spacelab
ma = Explorer I
mb = Explorer II
$g 0..* Recording Technique for Remote Sensing Image aa = video recording
ab = false colour photography
ac = multispectral photography
ad = multispectral scanning
av = combination of various light emission techniques
da = infrared line scanning
dv = combination of various thermal infrared scanning techniques
ga = Sidelooking Airborne Radar (SLAR)
gb = Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
gc = passive microwave mapping
$a 0..1 Format of Notated Music positions:
00 Type of Score A one character code indicates the type of music score.
01 Parts Indicator (character position 1)
$b 0..1 Literary Text Indicator a = poetry
b = drama
c = fiction (novels, short stories, etc.)
d = history
e = lectures, speeches
f = instructions (How to ...)
g = sounds
h = autobiography
i = biography
j = essays
k = reporting
l = memoirs
m = rehearsals
n = interviews
o = advertising texts
p = instruction (language)
q = conference proceedings
r = comedy
s = folktales
t = sacred texts
z = other types of literary text
$c 0..1 Multiple Musical Format a = full score
b = score (miniature or study size)
c = vocal score, accompaniment reduced for keyboard
d = voice score, accompaniment has been dropped
e = condensed score, conductor score (piano, violin, etc.)
f = graphic score
g = close score
h = tablature
i = choir-book
j = compressed score, short score
k = pseudo-score
l = solo part
n = score with only homogeneous groups of instruments of the orchestra
o = condensed score with text and chord symbols
p = table book
u = unknown
x = not applicable
z = other
# = not used
$a 0..1 Sound Recording Coded Data (General) positions:
13 Recording technique
14 Special reproduction characteristics
00 Form of release
01 Speed
02 Kind of sound
03 Groove width
04 Dimensions (sound recordings)
05 Tape width
06 Tape configuration
07-12 Accompanying textual material
$b 0..1 Sound Recording Coded Data (Detail) positions:
00 Kind of disc, cylinder or tape
01 Kind of material
02 Kind of cutting
$a 0..* Duration positions:
00-01 Hours
02-03 Minutes
04-05 Seconds
$a 0..* Form of Musical Work abs = absolutio
acc = accademia
acl = acclamatioe
acm = actus musicus
agn = agnus dei
ai = air
ain = air, instrumental
aka = akathistos hymnos
ala = alba
alb = albumblatt
all = alleluia
alm = allemanda
ame = amener
an = anthem
ana = anagramma
ane = ante evangelium
ant = antiphon
app = applauso
ar = aria
ara = arabesque
ari = ariette
ark = aurresku
arn = aria, instrumental
ars = arioso
aub = aubade
azm = azione musicale
azs = azione sacra
azt = azione teatrale
bac = baccanale
bad = badinage
bag = bagatelle
bai = baiao
bal = ballo
bar = barcarole
bat = battaglia
bbp = bebop
bcs = berceuse
bd = ballad
bde = ballade, vocal
bdi = ballade, instrumental
bea = beat
beg = beguine
ben = benedictus
bfm = barform
bg = bluegrass
bgk = bugaku
bhn = bergreichen
bic = bicinium
bkb = black bottom
bkg = bankelgesang
bkm = black music
bl = blues
blc = cuban bolero
bll = ballata
blo = ballad opera
blt = bluette
bol = bolero
bou = bourree
bra = branle
brg = bergamasque danse
brr = barriera
brt = bergerette
bru = brunette
bsd = basse danse
bst = boston
bt = ballet
btd = boutade
bto = baletto
btq = batuque
bur = burlesque
bwg = boogie-woogie
byc = byzantine canon
cab = cabaletta
cac = caccia
cad = cadenza
cal = calata
can = can-can
cav = cavatina
cb = chant, non-Christian
cc = chant, Christian
cch = catch
ccl = canticle
ccn = cancion
cdg = chanson de geste
cdo = children opera
cdt = chanson de toile
cfr = confractorium
cg = concerto grosso
cga = conga
ch = choral
cha = cha-cha-cha
chc = chaconne
chh = cachucha
chn = charleston
cho = chamber opera
chp = character piece
chr = choir
chs = children’s song
cht = chanson sentencieuse
chz = chiarenzana
ckw = cakewalk
cl = choral prelude
cld = colinda
cli = choral, instrumental
cll = carosello
clu = clausula
cly = calypso
cmg = carmagnole
cmm = communion
cmn = carmen
cmp = completorium
cn = canon
cnd = conductus
cnl = cantilena
cnr = canario
cns = canso
co = concerto
cob = comedie-ballet
cop = concert piece
cou = couplet
cow = competition / examination work
cp = chanson, polyphonic
cpl = copla
cpm = commedia per musica
cpr = caprice
cr = carol
cra = carola
cre = credo
cri = carioca
crr = corrido
crt = corant
cs = chance composition, aleatoric music
csa = csardas
cse = chasse
csg = carnival song
csn = chanson, monodic
css = chanson spirituelle
cst = cassation
csy = chamber symphony
ct = cantata
ctc = contacio
ctd = contredance
ctf = contrafactum
ctg = cantiga
cti = cantio
ctl = cotillon
cto = cento
ctp = counterpoint
cue = cueca
cy = country music
cyd = country dance
cz = canzona
czn = canzone
czp = canzone, polyphonic
czs = canzonetta spirituale
czt = canzonetta
dbl = double
dec = decimino
des = descort
dev = devozione
df = dance form
dia = dialogue
dim = disco music
din = dramatic introduction
dix = dixieland
dmk = dumka
dod = dance of death
dox = doxology
drh = dreher
drs = drinking songs
dsg = disguisings
dtr = dithyramb
due = duet
dui = duo
dv = divertimento
eco = ecossaise
egl = egloga
ele = elevatio
ely = elegy
ens = ensalada
ent = entree
enw = english waltz
epo = epos
ept = epitalamium
est = estampie
ext = extravaganza
fad = fado
faf = fanfare
far = farce
fax = fauxbordon
fea = feast
fg = fuga
fin = finale
fla = flamenco
fls = flagellat song
fm = folk music
fmm = masonic music
fnd = fandango
fnk = funk
fns = funeral song
fol = folie
for = forlana
fox = foxtrot
frd = farandole
frj = free jazz
fro = frottola
frs = fricassee
fso = folk song
ft = fantasia
fum = funeral march
fur = furiant
fus = fusion
fvm = favola per musica
gai = gaillard
gal = galop
gas = gassenhauer
gav = gavotte
gch = genero chico
gig = gigue
gle = glee
glo = gloria
gm = gospel song
gop = gopak
gos = goliard song
gra = gradual
gre = greghesca
gro = grand opera
gym = gymel
gyp = gypsy song
hab = habanera
had = hadutanc
hal = halling
hem = heavy metal
hip = hip-hop
hit = hit
hoq = hoquetus
hpp = hornpipe
hrk = hard rock
hum = humoresque
hy = hymn
hym = hymenaios
idy = idyll
imp = imploratio
imu = impromptu
in = intermezzo
inc = invocatio
ind = intrada
ing = ingressa
inm = incidental / theatral music
int = introduction
inv = invention
iph = iporchema
ipp = improperia
iru = interlude
itd = intermedio
itn = intonatio
itt = introit
ivu = invitatorium
jep = jeu parti
jgg = jigg
jig = jig
jot = jota
jub = jubilee
jus = justiniane
jz = jazz
kld = koleda
kol = kolo
kra = krakowiak
kuj = kujawiak
kyr = kyrie
lai = lai
lam = lament
lau = lauda
lby = lullaby / cradle songs
lds = liederspiel
ldy = lindy
lec = lectio
les = leise
lgu = langaus
li = lied
lic = licenza
lid = liturgical drama
lir = lirica
lmz = lamentations
lnd = landler
lod = lauds
lou = loure
lty = litany
lue = lucernario
lyh = liturgia of the hours
mat = matin
maz = mazur
mmb = mambo
mc = musical revue and comedy
mcc = macchietta
md = madrigale
mda = melodrama
mdc = madrigal comedy
mds = morceau de salon
mdy = melody
mgg = maggiolata
mgs = madrigale spirituale
mi = minuet
mim = military march
mld = melodie
mlg = malaguena
mls = melos
mmd = mimodramma
mme = musique mesuree
mmm = mumming
mmo = multimedia opera
mng = milonga
mnh = modinha
mo = motet
mod = morris dance
mon = monferrina
mor = morality
mp = moving picture music
mph = metamorphosis
mqu = masque
mr = march
ms = mass
msc = moresca
msq = masquerade
mst = mistery
mtb = matachins buffens
mth = method
mtp = moto perpetuo
mtz = mutanza
mu = multiple forms
mum = musical moment
mun = muneira
mus = musette
mxx = maxixe
mym = military music
mz = mazurka
nat = national anthem
nau = nauba
nc = nocturne
nen = nenia
noe = noel
nom = nomos
non = nonet
nov = novellette
nry = nursery-rhyme
ntz = nachtanz
nwa = new age
nww = new wave
obk = oberek
oct = octet
ode = ode
ofd = officium defunctorum
off = offertorium
ogm = organum
ons = onestep
op = opera
opb = opera-ballet
opc = opera comique
opf = opera bouffe
opm = opera semiseria
ops = opera seria
opt = operetta
opu = opera buffa, comic opera
or = oratorio
ora = oratio
orm = organ mass
ov = overture
pad = pastoral drama
pae = paean
pbr = pibroch
pch = pastiche
pco = postcommunio
pdd = pas de deux
pdv = padovana
pdy = parody
pev = post evangelium
pf = prelude and fugue
pg = programme music
pgl = pavaniglia
phy = patriotic hymn
piv = piva
plc = planctus
ple = post lectionem
plk = polka
pll = penillon
plo = palotas
plr = plaisanterie
pls = plantation song
plt = plainte
plu = postlude
pm = passion music
pmk = polka mazurka
pmm = pantomime
pnk = punk
po = polpnaise
pol = polo
pot = potpourri
pp = popular music
pph = paraphrase
ppo = puppet opera
prd = prelude
pre = preghiera
prf = praefatio
prg = périgourdine
prl = prologue
prm = processional march
pro = prooemium
prt = partimento
prz = prophecie
ps = passacaglia
psa = psalm
psd = paso doble
psl = pastourelle
psr = pas redouble
pst = pastoral
pt = part-songs
ptn = pater noster
ptt = partita
pv = pavana
pzz = passamezzo
qdl = quadrille
qua = quartet
qui = quintet
quo = quodlibet
rad = rada
rao = radio opera
rap = rap
rc = rock music
rct = recit
rd = rondo
rde = rondeau
rdv = ranz des vaches
rdw = redowa
rec = recitative
ree = reel
rej = rejouissance
rem = reminiscence
rer = reverie
res = responsorium
rev = revue
rg = ragtime
rgg = reggae
rgl = reigenlied
rgr = ruggiero
rhb = rhythm and blues
rhl = rheinlander
ri = ricercare
rig = rigaudon
ris = rispetto
rit = ritornello
rjk = rejdovak
rmc = romance
rmy = religious melody
rmz = romanza
rot = rota
rp = rapsodia
rq = requiem mass
rsc = romanesca
rsp = raspa
rtg = rotruenge
rtt = rotta
rue = rueda
rug = ruggero
rum = rumba
sad = sacred drama
sae = saeta
sai = sainete
san = sanctus
sar = sacra rappresentazione
scc = sacred cantata
scd = scolastic drama
sce = scene
sch = scherzo
scp = schuhplattler
scs = sacred song
sct = scat
sdh = schnadahupfl
sdr = scherzo drammatico
sep = sepolcro
seq = sequence
sev = sevillana
sex = sextet
sft = sinfonietta
sg = song
sgl = seguidilla
sha = shanty
shm = shimmy
si = sinfonia
sic = siciliana
ska = ska
skt = sketch
sll = sallenda
slq = soliloquy
sls = salsa
slt = saltarello
smb = samba
sml = psalmellus
sn = sonata
snd = serenade
snt = serenata
sol = solfeggio
sp = symponic poem
spi = spirituals
sps = social and political song, prison song, emigrant song, work song
spt = septet
sq = square dance
srb = sarabande
srd = sardana
srm = sarum
srv = sirventes
ssp = singspiel
sss = seises
st = study / exercise
ste = schottiche
sth = schottisch
sto = stornello
str = strambotto
sts = strathspey
stt = saltarello tedesco
su = suite
swi = swing
sww = song without words
sy = symphony
syc = sinfonia concertante
syd = sinfonia dramatique
sym = symbolum
syo = syomyo
tar = tarantella
tc = toccata
tcn = trecanum
tct = tricotet
tdn = triodion
tem = techno music
ten = tenso
ter = terzet
tex = tex-mex
tfm = tafelmusik
thr = threnos
ths = third stream
tir = tirana
tmb = tambourin
tnc = trenchmore
tng = tango
tod = torch dance
tom = tombeau
ton = tonadilla
tou = tourney
tra = tract
trd = tourdion
trg = trishagion
tri = trio
trl = tragedie lyrique
trm = tricinium
tro = trope
trq = traquenard
trs = treatise
trt = transitorium
trz = trezza
ts = trio
ttt = tattoo
tum = tumba
tvo = television opera
two = twostep
vau = vaudeville
vir = virelai
vlc = villancico
vln = villanella
vlt = villotta
vly = voluntary
vnz = veneziana
voc = vocalise
vol = volta
vr = variation
vra = verse, alleluia
vrg = verse, gradual
vri = verse, introit
vrl = versicle
vrr = verse, responsorium
vrs = verse
vsp = vespers
vvn = varsovienne
wem = wedding march
wom = world music
wsg = war song
wz = waltz
yar = yaravi
zam = zamacueca
zap = zapateado
zar = zarzuela
zmb = zamba
zop = zoppa
zor = zortziko
zwi = zwiefacher
zz = other form
$b 0..* [Obsolete] Instruments or Voices for Ensembles
$c 0..* [Obsolete] Instruments or Voices for Soloists
$d 0..1 Key or mode of Musical Work 10 = 10; Hypoaeolian
11 = 11; Ionian
12 = 12; Hypoionian
13 = Tonus Peregrinus
a = A major
am = A minor
ab = A flat major
abm = A flat minor
axm = A sharp minor
b = B major
01 = 1; Protus authentic; Dorian
02 = 2; Protus plagal; Hypodorian
03 = 3; Deuterus authentic; Phrygian
04 = 4; Deuterus plagal; Hypophrygian
05 = 5; Tritus authentic; Lydian
06 = 6; Tritus plagal; Hypolydian
07 = 7; Tetrardus authentic; Mixolydian
08 = 8; Tetrardus plagal; Hypomixolydian
09 = 9; Aeolian
zz = other
$a 0..1 Microform Coded Data Physical Attributes positions:
10 Base of film
00 Specific Material Designation
01 Polarity
02 Dimensions
03 Reduction ratio
04-06 Specific reduction ratio // comment If a value is given, right justify with zero fill. If a single digit is missing, replace by 'u'. If the ratio is unknown, fill with blanks.
07 Colour
08 Emulsion on film
09 Generation
$a 0..* Spheroid aa = Airy (1830)
ab = Australian National (1966)
ac = Bessel 1841
ad = Clarke 1858
ae = Clarke 1866
af = Clarke 1880
ag = Clarke 1880 (Modified)
ah = Clarke 1880 (Palestine)
ai = Danish (Andreae)
aj = Delambre (Carte de France)
ak = Everest (1830)
al = Everest (Malaya)
am = Everest (Borneo)
an = Helmert 1906
ao = Hayford 1909 (and 1910)
ap = Kragenhoff
aq = Krasovskiy 1848
ar = Müffling 1821
as = S.E. Asia ("Fischer 155")
at = Struve
ba = Svanberg
bb = Zhylinskiy ("Adjustment Spheroid")
bc = Walbeck
bd = War Office (McCaw) 1924
be = World Geodetic System (1972-)
uu = unknown spheroid
zz = other known spheroid of construction of the map
$b 0..* Horizontal Datum aaa = Abidjan, Ivory Coast
aab = Abra Pampa, Argentina
aac = Abrolhos Lighthouse, Brazil
aad = Abut Head (Okarito Meridional Circuit) South Island, New Zealand
aae = Accra, Leigon Pillar (GCS No. 121), Ghana
aaf = Aden Observatory
aag = Aden Datum
aah = Adelaide Observatory, South Australia
aai = Adjusted between Hong Kong and Nanking Astronomic Points
aaj = Adindan (30th Meridian) Datum, Sudan
aak = Adjusted between Red Bridge Datum and Nanking Datum
aal = Aee Pier, Phoenix Islands
aam = Aerodist Datum
aan = African Datum
aao = Agourai Base North End, Morocco
aap = Agri (Danish GI 1934), Denmark
aaq = Agrihan Astronomic Station (1920), Agrihan Island, Marianas Islands
aar = Ahaura (Grey Meridional Circuit), South Island, New Zealand
aas = Ain el Abd, Kuwait
aat = Akmolinsk Mosque, USSR
aba = Akra Milon (Cum-Burnu), Leros
abb = Akureuri, Iceland
abc = Alamagan Astromic Station (1920), Alamagan Island, Mariana Islands
abd = Albasin, USSR
abe = Al Bushairyah, Qatar
abf = Al Da Asa, Arabia
abg = Aleksandrovsk, USSR
abh = Alma Ata, USSR
abi = American Samoa Datum 1962, Samoa Islands
abj = Amersfoort 1885, Netherlands
abk = Anatahan Astronomic Station (1920), Anatahan Island, Marcus Islands
abl = Anatahan E, 29th Engr 1964, Anatahan Island, Mariana Islands
abm = Angola Datum, Angola
abn = Ankara, Turkey
abo = An-lu Astro, China
abp = A Patutahi, New Zealand
abq = Aon Island Triangulation Station, Utirik Atoll, Marshall Islands
abr = Apia Observatory Tranist House, Opolu Island, Samoa Island
abs = Apollo 15 Datum, Moon
abt = Approximate European Datum, Afghanistan
aca = Approximate European Datum, Cyprus
acb = Approximate European Datum, Egypt
acc = Approximate European Datum, Iran
acd = Approximate European Datum, Iraq
ace = Approximate European Datum, Israel
acf = Approximate European Datum, Jordan
acg = Approximate European Datum, Libya
aci = Approximate European Datum, Syria
acj = Approximate European Datum, Turkey
ack = Approximate Hong Kong Datum
acl = Approximate Indian 1960 Datum
acm = Approximate Indian Datum, Afghanistan
acn = Approximate Indian Datum, Burma
aco = Approximate Indian Datum, Cambodia, Laos, North Vietnam, South Vietnam
acp = Approximate Indian Datum, India
acq = Approximate Indian Datum, Thailand
acr = Approximate Kweiyang, China
acs = Approximate Luzon Datum, Philippines
act = Approximate Nanking Datum
ada = Approximate Nanking 1960 Datum
adb = Aproximate North American Datum 1927, Greater Antilles
adc = Approximate Old Hawaiian Datum, Hawaiian Islands
add = Approximate Red Bridge Datum
ade = Approximate Tokyo Datum
adf = Arahodoka-Byo Astro
adg = Arc (of the 30th Meridian) 1935 Datum, Africa
adh = Arc (of the 30th Meridian) 1950 Datum, Africa
adi = Arc (of the 30th Meridian) 1960 Datum, Africa
adj = Arc (of the 30th Meridian) (unspecified) Datum, Africa
adk = Archway Rock, Gough Island
adl = Arequipa Astro, Bolivia
adm = Arkhangel'sk, USSR
adn = Arumenii Island Triangulation Station, Bikor Atoll, Marshall Islands
ado = Arutunga (Anchorage) Observation Spot, Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands
adp = A.S. 120 Tokong Hill, Balik Papan, Kalimantan, Indonesia
adq = Ascension Astro 1955
adr = Ascension Island 1958
ads = Ashkhabad, USSR
adt = Asor Astro 1966, Caroline Islands
aea = Astro Observation Point East Island Maug, Mariana Islands
aeb = Astro Observation Point Pagan, Mariana Islands
aec = Astro Observation Point Rota, Mariana Islands
aed = Astro Observation Point Uracus, Mariana Islands
aee = Astro Pier, Swains Island, Samoa Islands
aef = Astro - 1958, Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
aeg = Astro 502, USSR
aeh = Astro 809, USSR
aei = Astronomic Point (1951) Yap, Caroline Islands
aej = Astronomic Station (1951), Elato Atoll, Caroline Islands
aek = Astronomic Station (1952) Marcus Island
ael = Astronomic Station ''A' (1951), Jemo Island, Marshall Islands
aem = Astronomic Station Bab South (1947), Babelthaup Is., Caroline Islands
aen = Astronomic Station Beacon E (1945). Iwo-Jima, Bonin Islands
aeo = Astronomic Station B1 (1920), Gaferut Island, Caroline Islands
aep = Astronomic Station B4 (1920), Sorol Atoll, Caroline Islands
aeq = Astronomic Station Hong (1947), Admiralty Islands
aer = Astronomic Station Mirami-Oaguri-Shima, Daito Islands, Ryukyu Islands
aes = Astronomic Station Nishino-Shima, Bonin Islands
aet = Astronomic Station No. B (1921), Ifalik Atoll, Caroline Islands
afa = Astronomic Station No. B1 (1921), Pulap Atoll, Caroline Islands
afb = Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Nomoi Islands, Caroline Islands
afc = Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Pingelap Island, Caroline Islands
afd = Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Puluwat Atoll, Caroline Islands
afe = Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Woleai Atoll, Caroline Islands
aff = Astronomic Station No. 1-A (1951), Namorik Atoll, Marshall Islands
afg = Astronomic Station No. 2 (1951), Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands
afh = Astronomic Station No. 2 (1951), Truk Island, Caroline Islands
afi = Astronomic Station No. 2 (1952), Wake Island
afj = Astronomic Station No. 4 (1951), Mukuoro Atoll, Caroline Islands
afk = Astronomic Station No. 8 (1951), Ngatik Atoll, Caroline Islands
afl = Astronomic Station No. 19 (1951), Nomwin Atoll, Caroline Islands
afm = Astronomic Station No. 32 (1951), Ulithi Atoll, Marshall Islands
afn = Astronomic Station No. 42 (1952), Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands
afo = Astronomic Station No. 61-A (1951), Jauluit Atoll, Marshall Islands
afp = Astronomic Station No. 5, Chichi-Jima, Bonin Islands
afq = Astronomic Station Ponape (1951), Ponape Island, Senyavin Islands, Caroline Islands
afr = Astronomical Fixation W.A. 21, Western Australia
afs = Astronomical Station, Dunpu, New Guinea
aft = Astronomical Station, Salankana, New Guinea
aga = Astronomical Station, Wau, New Guinea
agb = Astro-Secor 1966, Tarawa and Gilbert Islands
agc = Asunción Astronomic Station (1920), Mariana Islands
agd = Atafu Astro, Atafu Island, Tokelau Islands
age = Athens Datum, Greece
agf = Athens National Observatory, Greece
agg = Athi, Kenya
agh = Austral Pillar W.A., Western Australia
agi = Australian Army Observation Point L.A. 22, Lacrosse Island, Western Australia
agj = Australian Army Observation Point W.A. 3, Cockatoo Island, Western Australia
agk = Australian Datum, Australia
agl = Australian Geodetic, Australia
agm = Australian Provisional Datum, Australia
agn = Ayabacas Base, Peru
ago = Azabu Observatory, Tokyo (Bonin Islands and Ryukyu Islands)
agp = B of base-Luiz Correia, Brazil
agq = Baa-Ratti, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia
agr = Bahia Honda, Venezuela
ags = Baie du Morbihan Base North End, Kerguelen
agt = Baker Island Astro Pier, Baker Island, Oceania
aha = Baku-Aleksandra-Nevskiy Cathedral, USSR
ahb = Baku 1927 System, USSR
ahc = Balanachan, Philippines
ahd = Balikesir, Turkey
ahe = Baliza Chiriguano, Graham Land, Antarctica
ahf = Baltra Island Astro, Galapagos Island, Ecuador
ahg = Banjer Masin Astro, Borneo
ahh = Banika Island Observation Spot, Russel Island, Solomon Islands
ahi = Bara Bay, Buru, Moluccas, Indonesia
ahj = Barcelona, Venezuela
ahk = Barreira do Monta, Brazil
ahl = Base Este (Fort de Coimbra), Brazil
ahm = Batavia, Java, Indonesia
ahn = Bathurst Base East End, Gambia
aho = Beacon A, Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides
ahp = Beacon, Christmas Island, Line Islands
ahq = Bekaa Badse South End, Lebanon
ahr = Belgian 1950 System (Lommel Signal), Belgium
ahs = Belgrano (old), Argentina
aht = Belgrano 1928, Argentina
aia = Bengasi Lighthouse, Libya
aib = Beni Meyimel, Morocco
aic = Barracks, Libya
aid = Bermuda Datum 1943, Bermuda Islands
aie = Bermuda Datum 1957, Bermuda Islands
aif = Bermuda Datum 1959, Bermuda Islands
aig = Bermuda Datum 1964, Bermuda Islands
aih = Bern (1898), Switzerland
aii = Biak Base West End, Biak Island, Schouten Islands
aij = Biao, Fernando Po Island, Spanish Guinea
aik = Bikati (Pikhat) Island Astro, Gilbert Island
ail = Bikini, Marshall Islands
aim = Binaro Astro, 1949
ain = Birnie Island, Phoenix Island
aio = Bissau Base Northwest End Pillar, Guinea-Bissau
aip = Bjornova
aiq = Blumut, Johore, Malaysia
air = Boa Entrada, 1955
ais = Boca Grande Astro, Venezuela
ait = Boghra, Afghanistan
aja = Bogotá Observatorio, Colombia
ajb = Bogoslovskiy, USSR
ajc = Bogovskaya, USSR
ajd = Bokku Island Triangulation Station, Wotje Atoll, Marshall Islands
aje = Bolkhov, USSR
ajf = Bon Said Lighthouse, Tunisia
ajg = Bonto Island Triangulation Station, Marshall Islands
ajh = Borowa Gora, Poland
aji = Borugu-Byo Astro, China
ajj = Bosun Astro 1941, Midway Islands
ajk = Botanical Hill, South Island, New Zealand
ajl = Bowen Observation Spot, Queensland, Australia
ajm = Brazzaville, Congo (Brazzaville)
ajn = BS 67, Malaysia
ajo = Bucharest, Rumania
ajp = Buffelsfontein, South Africa
ajq = Bukit Asa Datum, Selangor, Malaysia
ajr = Bukit Panau, Kelantan, Malaysia
ajs = Bukit Rimpan, Banka Island, Indonesia
ajt = Bulgarian, Bulgaria
aka = Buller, South Island, New Zealand
akb = Busoga, Uganda
akc = Busowa, Uganda
akd = Bushehr, Iran
ake = Byrd Station, Antarctica
akf = Cabo Bojador Lighthouse, Spanish Sahara
akg = Cagayan Sulu, Cagayan Sulu Island, Philippines
akh = Cairns, Queensland, Australia
aki = Camacupa Base SW End (Campo de Aviacao), Angola
akj = Camorta, Nicobar Islands
akk = Camp Area Astro
akl = Campo de Mayo Base, Argentina
akm = Campo Inchauspe, Argentina
akn = Campos Rodrigues, Mozambique
ako = Cam Lang, Vietnam
akp = Candlemas Island Astro, Antarctica
akq = Canton Island Astro 1966
akr = Cap Esteiras Astro
aks = Cape Canaveral Datum, USA
akt = Cape Hotham Lighthouse, Northern Territory, Australia
ala = Cape St Jacques, Vietnam
alb = Cape Town Observatory, South Africa
alc = Cape, South Africa
ald = Caracas (Observatorio Cajigal) 1911, Venezuela
ale = Caracas (Observatorio Cajigal) 1937, Venezuela
alf = Cardenas, Cuba
alg = Carthage, Tunisia
alh = Castanea delle Furie, Sicily
ali = Castelli Base SE End, Argentina
alj = Castelo di São Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal
alk = Castiletes, Venezuela
all = Cay, Panaeati Island, Deboyne Islands, Louisiade Archipelago
alm = Central Origin, Australia
aln = Centro de Base (Mato Grosso), Brazil
alo = Cerro de Montevideo, Uruguay
alp = Cerro Puntiagudo, Argentina
alq = Ceylon
alr = Chagos (Sao 69)
als = Ch'ang'chun, Manchuria
alt = Che'eng-te, Manchuria
ama = Chi-kou-yang, China
amb = Ch'in Hsien Astro, China
amc = Ch'ung-Yang Astro, China
amd = Chang-chia-kou, China
ame = Chatham Island Astronomical Section, Chatham Island, New Zealand
amf = Chatham Island Observatory, Port Blair, Andaman Islands
amg = Chen-tu Astro, China
amh = Chernyy Verkh, Bulgaria
ami = Chiao-shan, China
amj = Chichi Jima, Bonin Islands
amk = Chich-ch'eng Astro, China
aml = Chin-men'tao Astro, China
amm = Chiu-chiang Astro, China
amn = China Land Survey School, China
amo = Ching-chou Astro, China
amp = Ching-lo Astro, China
amq = Ching-men Astro (West Base), China
amr = Cho-lu Astro, China
ams = Chos Malal, Argentina
amt = Christmas Island Astro
ana = Chua Astro
anb = Chung-kung-ch'i Astro, China
anc = Chufut-Kale, USSR
and = Church (Luganville), Espiritu Santo Island, New Hebrides
ane = Chyahatsuro Astro, China
anf = Circuit, Rhodesia
ang = Clipperton Island Astro 1957, Clipperton Island
anh = Clipperton Island Light 1935, Clipperton Island
ani = Colline Verte Lighthouse (Kwangshowan), China
anj = Conakry Pyramid of the Service Géographique, Guinea
ank = Congo Yella Base, Zaire
anl = Congreso Plaza Constitucion, Asunción, Paraguay
anm = Constanta, Rumania
ann = Cookes Pillar, Broome, Western Australia
ano = Copenhagen (Nicolai), Denmark
anp = Córdoba, Argentina
anq = Corrego Alegre, Brazil
anr = Cotonou Astro
ans = Cruz Astro, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
ant = Dacin-byo Astro, China
aoa = Daito Shima Astro, Ryukyu Islands
aob = Dakar, Senegal
aoc = Danish Geodetic Institute 1934 System (AGRI), Denmark
aod = Darwin Observation Pillar, Northern Territory, Australia
aoe = Datum da Ilha das Flores, Flores and Corvo, Azores
aof = Datum de Ilha Gracioso-Base SW, Terceira, São Jorge, Pico, Faial, and Graciosa, Azores
aog = Datum du Ilha de São Miguel-S, Bras, São Miguel and Santa Maria Islands, Azores
aoh = Datum Nacional (San José), Chile
aoi = Davao, Mindinao, Philippines
aoj = DC S-3 Astro-1913, St Lucia, Lesser Antilles
aok = Dedele Point Observation Spot, Papua
aol = Dergachi, USSR
aom = Derna Lighthouse, Libya
aon = Desaiz, Martinique, Lesser Antilles
aoo = Dili, Timor, Indonesia
aop = Direction Island Observation Spot, Coco or Keeling Islands
aoq = Djakarta New, Indonesia
aor = Dodo Island Observation Spot, Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands
aos = Dominica Astro M-12, Dominica, Lesser Antilles
aot = Dorpat II, Estonia
apa = DOS Astro Guxi (Guadalcanal), Solomon Islands
apb = DOS Astro SLX2, Sierra Leone
apc = DOS 415, Gambia
apd = Douala Airfield Flagstaff, Cameroon
ape = Dunnose, Great Britain
apf = East Base, Loyalty Islands
apg = East Mediterranean Chain, Tunisia
aph = Easter Island 1967
api = Eastern Rock, Poeloe Bam, West Irian
apj = Egypt-1930, Egypt (United Arab Republic)
apk = El Aaiun, Spanish Sahara
apl = El Bolson SB, Argentina
apm = Elbow Cay Light, Bahamas
apn = Emery Point Lighthouse, Northern Territory, Australia
apo = Enderbury Island, Phoenix Islands
app = Enibrik Island Observation Spot, Ailinginae Atoll, Marshall Islands
apq = Eniibukku Island Observation Spot, Mogiri, Marshall Islands
apr = Eniirikku Island Observation Spot, Mogiri, Marshall Islands
aps = Eniwetok Astro Pier, Marshall Islands
apt = Eniwetok-Wake 1960 Datum, Marshall Islands
aqa = Enuebing Triangulation Station, Ailinglapalap Atoll, Marshall Islands
aqb = Enyvertok Island Observation Spot, Rongerik Atoll, Marshall Islands
aqc = Erappu Channel Triangulation Station, Ailuk Atoll, Marshall Islands
aqd = Erdöhegy, Hungary
aqe = Erh-lien Dabusu Astro, China
aqf = Estanques, Venezuela
aqg = ETC Longitude Pillar, Malta Islands
aqh = European Datum
aqi = Extremo B2 Base Forteleza, Brazil
aqj = Extremo SE da Base (Minas Gerica), Brazil
aqk = Extremo Sul da Base (Piaui), Brazil
aql = Faaire Island Astro Station, Tuamoto Archipelago
aqm = Fais Astro, Fais Island, Caroline Islands
aqn = Fakfak, West Irian
aqo = Famagusta, Cyprus
aqp = Fao, Iraq
aqq = Farallon de Medinilla Astro Station (1921), Mariana Islands
aqr = Farallon de Pajaros Astro Station (1920), Mariana Islands
aqs = Fernando de Noronha Astro, Brazil
aqt = Fiji, 1956
ara = Final Sydney Datum 1941, New South Wales, Australia
arb = Final 1958, Iran
arc = Firestone Astro, Liberia
ard = First Astro 1942
are = Flagstaff Government Station, Abaiang Atoll, Gilbert Islands
arf = Flamingo Cay Light, Bahamas
arg = Flores Astro 1939
arh = Forteleza Astro, Brazil
ari = Fort Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
arj = Fort Charles Flagstaff, Greater Antilles
ark = Fort Cornwallis Flagstaff, Penang, Malaysia (West)
arl = Fort George Observation Spot, Cayman Islands
arm = Fort St Louis Flagstaff, Martinique, Lesser Antilles
arn = Fort Thomas 1955, St Kitts-Nevis, Lesser Antilles
aro = French Hydrographic
arp = French Mission Astro, Ecuador
arq = Front Range, New Caledonia
arr = Fuglenes, Norway
ars = Gabon 1951
art = Gaferut Astro, Caroline Islands
asa = Gahai-Byo Astro, China =
asb = Gambia Datum, Gambia
asc = Gan 1970
asd = Gandajika Base, Zaire
ase = Gardner Island, Phoenix Islands
asf = Gavan Sibir, USSR
asg = Gawler Downs, South Island, New Zealand
ash = Gellerthegy, Hungary
asi = Genoa 1908, Italy
asj = Genuk, Java, Indonesia
ask = Geodetic Datum 1949, New Zealand
asl = Ghana Datum, Ghana
asm = Gladstone Observation Spot, Queensland, Australia
asn = Goenoeng Dempo, Sumatra, Indonesia
aso = Golf Links, Sarawak, Malaysia
asp = Gora A Krasnovodsk Gur Yev, USSR
asq = Gorda Point Lighthouse, Nicaragua
asr = Gould Astro, Antarctica
ass = Goulter S Hill, South Island, New Zealand
ast = Government General, Dakar, Senegal
ata = Government Offices Flagstaff, Singapore
atb = Graciosa Base SW End, Terceira, Azores
atc = Grasberg, New Guinea
atd = Great Inagua Island Light, Bahamas
ate = Great Isaacs Light, Bahamas
atf = Great Ragged Island Light, Bahamas
atg = Great Stirrup Cay Astro, Bahamas
ath = Greek Datum, Greece
ati = Greenwich Observatory, Great Britain and Ireland
atj = Gromen 1951
atk = Grönfjörden, Svalbard
atl = Gronne Island, Greenland
atm = Grupo Escolar, Brazil
atn = G Segara Datum, Kalimantan, Indonesia
ato = G Serindung 1962
atp = Guam 1913
atq = Guam 1963
atr = Guadalupe Astro 1946
ats = Guardia Vecchia, Sardinia, Italy
att = Guasopa, Woodlark (Murua) Island, Trobriand Islands
baa = Guayaquil Astro, Ecuador
bab = Guguan Astro Station (1920), Mariana Islands
bac = Guhong Gajah Trom, Trengganu, Malaysia (West)
bad = Gunong Hijau Larut, Perak, Malaysia (West)
bae = Gun Cay Light, Bahamas
baf = Gun Hill, Negri Sembilan, Malaysia (West)
bag = Ha-erh-pin, Manchuria
bah = Habay-La-Neuve Base North End, Luxembourg
bai = Hai-la-erh, Manchuria
baj = Hainan Island, China
bak = Hairingassho-Byo Astro, China
bal = Hallett Astro, Antarctica
bam = Hammond Rock Light, New Guinea
ban = Hao'hsien Astro, China
bao = Hanoi Belvedere (Mirador), Vietnam
bap = Harbin, Manchuria
baq = Harvey Cay Light, Bahamas
bar = Hassetche Base South End, Syria
bas = Hawaiian Hiran (WGS 1966)
bat = Helsinki, Kallio Church, Finland
bba = Herat North, Afghanistan
bbb = Hermannskogel, Austria
bbc = Hito XVIII Astro, Chile
bbd = Hjörsey 1955, Iceland
bbe = Ho-ching Astro, China
bbf = Hog Island Light, Bahamas
bbg = Hogsty Reef Light, Bahamas
bbh = Hokkaido Central, Japan
bbi = Hole-in-the-Wall Light, Bahamas
bbj = Hong Kong-Nanking Astro Datum
bbk = Hong Kong-New Territories Datum, Hong Kong
bbl = Hong Kong 1929 Datum
bbm = Hong Kong 1963
bbn = Hope Bay, Graham Land, Antarctica
bbo = Horinhodoka Astro, China
bbp = Hospital Astro, Paraguay
bbq = Hsi-an, China
bbr = Hsi-ta-shan, Manchuria
bbs = Hsin-Yang Astro, China
bbt = Hsiu-Ying Astro, China
bca = Hua-Shao-Ying Astro, China
bcb = Huai-an Astro, China
bcc = Huai-lai Astro, China
bcd = Huang River Commission (1936), China
bce = Huirangi, North Island, New Zealand
bcf = Hull Island, Phoenix Islands
bcg = Hun-chun, Manchuria
bch = Hun-shan System
bci = Hupeh, Arc 1, China
bcj = Hupeh, Arc 2, China
bck = Hupeh, Arc 3, China
bcl = Hupeh, Arc 4, China
bcm = Hupeh, Arc 5, China
bcn = Hupeh, Arc 6, China
bco = Hupeh, Arc 7, 8 and 9A, China
bcp = Hupeh, Arc 10 and 11, China
bcq = Hupeh, Arc 12 and 22, China
bcr = Hupeh, Arc 13 and 15A, China
bcs = Hupeh, Arc 14, China
bct = Hupeh, Arc 16, China
bda = Hupeh, Arc 17, China
bdb = Hupeh, Arc 18, China
bdc = Hupeh, Arc 19, China
bdd = Hupeh, Arc 19A, China
bde = Hupeh, Arc 20 and 21, China
bdf = Hupeh Local, China
bdg = Husdalen, Hopen Island
bdh = Husvik Astro, Antarctica
bdi = Hu-tzu-shan, Taiwan
bdk = I-chang Astro (South Base), China
bdl = I-chou Astro, China
bdm = I-Hsien Astro, China
bdn = I-shui Astro, China
bdo = Iben Astro 1947, Caroline Islands
bdp = Ikateq Astro 1945
bdq = Îlet à Cochons Flagstaff, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles
bdr = Iligan, Mindanao, Philippines
bds = Iloiolo, Panay, Philippines
bdt = Iman 1914, USSR
bea = Indian Datum, India
beb = Indian Datum 1916, India
bec = Indian Datum 1960, India
bed = Ireland 1965
bee = Irkutsk, USSR
bef = Ishigaki Shima Astro, Ryukyu Islands
beg = Ishpushta, Afghanistan
beh = Isla del Coco Astro
bei = Ists 973 Astro 1969
bej = Isolated Hill, South Island, New Zealand
bek = Itaembe-Mini, Argentina
bel = Italian Triang 1913-1914
bem = Itarare N Base Itajuba, Brazil
ben = Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands
beo = Jabal and Dukhan, Bahrain Island
bep = Jaragua, Brazil
beq = Jazirat Yaz (RAF Petrol Tank), Sir Bani Yas Island, Trucial States
ber = Jesselton, North Borneo, Malaysia
bes = Jesuit College Flagstaff, Belize, British Honduras
bet = Jo-ch'i Astro, China
bfa = Johnston Island 1961 Datum, Johnston Island
bfb = Johnston Origin, Northern Territory Australia
bfc = Juing-ch'eng Astro, China
bfd = Jung-shui Astro, China
bfe = Jurinet-2, Greater Antilles
bff = Kaarappu Triangulation Point F-6 (1918), Ant Atoll, Caroline Islands
bfg = Kalianpur Datum, Pakistan/India
bfh = Kalianpur Hill Station (National Geodetic Origin), India/Pakistan
bfi = Kandalaksha-St John S Church, USSR
bfj = Kandawala Datum, Ceylon
bfk = Kandilli, Turkey
bfl = Kantara, Cyprus
bfm = Kapingamarangi Astronomic Station No.3 (1951), Kapingamarangi Atoll, Caroline Islands
bfn = Karamea, South Island, New Zealand
bfo = Karpinsk, USSR
bfp = Kasalinsk, USSR
bfq = Kashizan Datum, Taiwan
bfr = Katanga, Zaire
bfs = Kauai
bft = Kavieng Astro, New Ireland, Bismarck Archipelago
bga = KCS2, Sierra Leone
bgb = Kenya Colony, Uganda (Rainsford 1948) Datum
bgc = Kertau, Malaysia
bgd = Kertau 1948 revised, Malaysia
bge = Kertau (Everest) Datum, Malaysia
bgf = Kertau (Repsold System) Malaysia (West)
bgg = Kesztej (Marosvasarhely), Hungary
bgh = Khao Luang, Thailand
bgi = Khartoum, Sudan
bgj = Kieta Astro, Bougainville, Solomon Islands
bgk = Kili Island Observation Spot, Kili Island, Marshall Islands
bgl = Kloster Ivaniæ, Yugoslavia
bgm = Kobukutei, Pescadores
bgn = Koepang, Timor, Indonesia
bgo = Koh-I-Malik Siah, Pakistan
bgp = Kogo, Rio Muni, Spanish Guinea
bgq = Koiaris Astro 1947, Bougainville, Solomon Islands
bgr = Koiterangi, South Island, New Zealand
bgs = Korla Astro, China
bgt = Koror Observation Point, Koror Island, Caroline Islands
bha = Kos Forst (Coo-castello), Kos, Dodecanese, Greece
bhb = Kostroma, USSR
bhc = Kowloon Observatory, Hong Kong
bhd = K'uei'tao, China
bhe = Ku-yuan, China
bhf = Kuan-hsiang Shan, China
bhg = Kuching Survey Origin, Sarawak, Malaysia
bhh = Kulusuk, Greenland
bhi = Kuo'hsien Astro, China
bhj = Kusaie Astronomic Station 3 (1951), Kusaie Island, Caroline Islands
bhk = Kutaka, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands
bhl = Kuybyshev-Orsk, USSR
bhm = Kwajalein Astronomical Position US Navy 1944, Marshall Islands
bhn = Kwangsi Province, China
bho = Kwangtung, China
bhp = Kweiyang, China
bhq = Kyushu West, Japan
bhr = Kyustendil, Bulgaria
bhs = La Canoa
bht = Lago Belgrano SB, Argentina
bia = Lago Palena SB, Argentina
bib = Lai-yang Astro, China
bic = Lamotrek Astronomic Station (1951), Lamotrek Atoll, Caroline Islands
bid = Latvian, Latvia
bie = Le Pouce, Mauritius
bif = Lee No 7 (Butler 1911-1913), Guam, Mariana Islands
big = Legaspi, Luzon, Philippines
bih = Leigon Pillar (GCS no 121), Accra, Ghana
bii = Lemuta, Samoa Islands
bij = Leninsk (Kol Chugino), USSR
bik = Leros (Lero-Pandelli), Dodecanese
bil = Leste NE Base, Brazil
bim = Leuen Anchorage Observation Spot, Namu Atoll, Marshall Islands
bin = Lib Island NW Edge, Marshall Islands
bio = Li-ching Astro, China
bip = Li-shih Astro, China
biq = Liberia 1964 (Roberts Field Astro)
bir = Liberian Government, Liberia
bis = Limones Cuba, Greater Antilles
bit = Lin-ch'ing Astro, China
bja = Lindis Peak, South Island, New Zealand
bjb = Line Island Astro, Line Islands
bjc = Lisbon, (Castelo Di São Jorge), Portugal
bjd = Listvenichnoye, USSR
bje = Little San Salvador Light, Bahamas
bjf = Liu-k'o'tao, China
bjg = Lobito Base NE End, Angola
bjh = Lochmaben Astronomical Station, Tasmania
bji = Loma Quintana, Venezuela
bjj = Longitude, Mariana Islands
bjk = Lourenço Marques Observatory, Mozambique
bjl = Losap Astronomic Station B3 (1924), Losap Atoll, Caroline Islands
bjm = Losuia, Kiriwina Island, Caroline Islands
bjn = Lotj Island Observation Spot, Lae Atoll, Marshall Islands
bjo = Loudima, Congo (Brazzaville)
bjp = Lu-chi Astro, China
bjq = Le-feng Base East End, China
bjr = Lu-kou'ch lao Astro, China
bjs = Lung'i'ou Astro, China
bjt = Lung-kuan Astro, China
bka = Luzon Datum, Philippines
bkb = Maccio Air Navigation Light (IAGS), Brazil
bkc = Macuco, Brazil
bkd = Madagascar Datum, Madagascar
bke = Madeira Archipelago
bkf = Medeira, Brazil
bkg = Madrid 1853, Spain
bkh = Magreva Island Base North End, Gambier Island, Tuamotu Archipelago
bki = Mahon 1928, Argentina
bkj = Mai, Lucipari Island, Indonesia
bkk = Majuro Astronomic Station 1944, Marshall Islands
bkl = Malayan Revised Datum, Malaysia (West)
bkm = Malta Datum, Malta Island
bkn = Man Island Light, Bahamas
bko = Manchurian Principal System, Manchuria
bkp = Mandinga Astro, Ecuador
bkq = Maniagassa Island Astro Pier (1944), Mariana Islands
bkr = Manira
bks = Manokwari, West Irian
bkt = Mañon (Old), Argentina
bla = Manton Triangulation Point F2 (1918), Senyavin Island, Caroline Islands
blb = Manton Observation Spot, Molik Atoll, Caroline Islands
blc = Marcus Astro 1961
bld = Marcus Astro 1965
ble = Marosvasarhely, Hungary
blf = Martín García, Argentina
blg = Masira Island Astro, 1958
blh = Massoua, (Eritrea), Ethiopia
bli = Matsu Datum, Matsu Island
blj = Matsuwa Astro, Kuril Islands
blk = Matupi Astro 1947, New Britain, Bismark Archipelago
bll = Maug 1950 71st Esld, Maug Island, Mariana Islands
blm = Maurice Datum, Australia
bln = Mayo de Campo, Argentina
blo = McKean Island, Phoenix Islands
blp = McMurdo Camp Area, Antarctica
blq = Medinella 29th Engr Astro (1961), Mariana Islands
blr = Mejit Astronomic Station B1 (1919), Mejit Island, Marshall Islands
bls = Melbourne Observatory, Victoria, Australia
blt = Mellu Island Triangulation Station, Marshall Islands
bma = Mellu Island Triangulation Station and Ringelap Island Observation Spot, Marshall Islands
bmb = Merchich, Morocco
bmc = Mercury (Fischer 1960) Datum
bmd = Meºedag, Turkey
bme = Mi-shan I, Manchuria
bmf = Mi-shan II, Manchuria
bmg = Midway Astro 1961
bmh = Miguelete N, Argentina
bmi = Mildura Aerodrome, Victoria, Australia
bmj = Militar, Argentina
bmk = Minna, Nigeria
bml = Misamis, Mindanao, Philippines
bmm = Misurata Marina, Libya
bmn = Miyako Jima Astro, Ryukyu Islands
bmo = Moçãmedes, Angola
bmp = Modified Mercury (Fischer 1968)
bmq = Mogadiscio, Somalia
bmr = Molinduko, Kenya
bms = Mombassa, Kenya
bmt = Monavatu, Viti Levu Island, Fiji Islands
bna = Montjong Lowe Datum, Sulawesi, Indonesia
bnb = Monte das Mocas Datum, Faial and Terceira Islands, Azores
bnc = Monte Mario 1875, Rome, Italy
bnd = Monte Mario 1940, Rome, Italy
bne = Morro de Papagaio, Principe Island
bnf = Morro de Santo Antonio, Brazil
bng = Moscow University Obs, USSR
bnh = Mösting "A" 1960, Moon
bni = Moulin Jarry, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles
bnj = Mount Rapid, Fleurien Peninsula, South Australia
bnk = Mozambique, Mozambique
bnl = Mt Campbell, Australia
bnm = Mt Cook, South Island, New Zealand
bnn = Mt Eden, North Island, New Zealand
bno = Mt Eleanor, South Island, New Zealand
bnp = Mt Horrible, South Island, New Zealand
bnq = Mt Nicholas, South Island, New Zealand
bnr = Mt Pleasant, South Island, New Zealand
bns = Mt Robertson, Malaysia (East)
bnt = Mt Stewart, North Island, New Zealand
bnu = Monte Verde 1951, Cape Verde Islands
boa = Mt York, South Island, New Zealand
bob = Murilo Astronomic Station No. 19 (1951), Murilo Atoll, Caroline Islands
boc = M79, Iraq
bod = Nahrwan Datum, Iraq
boe = Namoluk Astronomic Station (1924), Namoluk Atoll, Caroline Islands
bof = Nan-ao'tao Astro, China
bog = Nanking Astro, China
boh = Nanking Datum 1960, China
boi = Naparima Datum, Trinidad and Tobago
boj = New British, Great Britain
bok = New Bulgarian, Bulgaria
bol = New Danish System (Buddings Station I 620, Copenhagen) Denmark
bom = New French, France
bon = New Egyptian, Egypt (United Arab Republic)
boo = New Lighthouse, Tripoli, Libya
bop = New Pillar, Tanzania
boq = New Sahara Datum 1959
bor = New South Wales, Australia
bos = New Sydney Datum, Australia
bot = Ngatik Astronomic Station No. 8 (1951), Ngatik Atoll, Caroline Islands
bpa = Ngulu Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Ngulu Atoll, Caroline Islands
bpb = Nicolai, Copenhagen, Denmark
bpc = Nigeria Datum, Nigeria
bpd = Nikolayev, USSR
bpe = Nikolskoe Astro 1929
bpf = Niu-chiao'shan Astro, China
bpg = NMA/S/21 Azimuth Island, Antarctica
bph = NMA/S/39 Wilkes Station, Antarctica
bpi = Nomoi Astro, Nomoi Atoll, Caroline Islands
bpj = Nordlaguna, Jan Mayen Island
bpk = North American Datum
bpl = North American Datum 1913
bpm = North American Datum 1927
bpn = North Astro 1947
bpo = North Base Astro, Antarctica
bpp = North Point Entrance Island, Makin Atoll, Gilbert Islands
bpq = North Sahara Datum 1959
bpr = Northwest Point Astro, Bahamas
bps = Northwest Point Light, Bahamas
bpt = Noumea, New Caledonia
bqa = Numbuiloa, Vanau Levu Island, Fiji Islands
bqb = Oakam Yof Base, South End, Senegal
bqc = Observatoire d'Uccle, Belgium
bqd = Observatorio Astronomica de la Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile
bqe = Observatorio Astronomico de Madrid, Spain
bqf = Observatorio da Comissão, Brazil
bqg = Observatorio National do Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
bqh = Observatorul Astronomic Militar Din Bucuresti (Dealul Pisc), Rumania
bqi = Observation Point, South Island, New Zealand
bqj = Observation Spot Bairiki Island, Tarawa Atoll, Gilbert Islands
bqk = Observation Spot, South Island, New Zealand
bql = Observation Spot Government Office, Kariatebike, Abemama Island, Gilbert Islands
bqm = Observation Spot (Taruia Pass) Tongareva Island, Cook Islands
bqn = Ocotopeque, Guatemala
bqo = Okinawa Datum 1927, Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands
bqr = Okino-daito-shima Astro, Daito Islands, Ryukyu Islands
bqs = Old British (Greenwich Observatory), Great Britain and Ireland
bqt = Old Egyptian, Egypt (United Arab Republic)
bra = Old Hawaiian Datum, Hawaiian Islands
brb = Old Lighthouse, Tripoli, Libya
brc = Old Sydney Datum, New South Wales, Australia
brd = Opaki, North Island, New Zealand
bre = Oranhada Astro, China
brf = Oranharaga-byo Astro, China
brg = Oranjaran-byo Astro, China
brh = Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum
bri = Orenburg Cossacks
brj = Ormoc, Leyte, Philippines
brk = Oroluk Astronomic Station No. 1 (1951), Oroluk Atoll, Caroline islands
brl = Orsk, USSR
brm = Osh, USSR
brn = Oslo Observatory (Old), Norway
bro = Osuihe Astro, China
brp = Padang Base West End, Sumatra, Indonesia
brq = Paga Hill (1939), New Guinea
brs = Pagan 1950 71st Esld, Pagan Island, Mariana Islands
brt = Pai-chieh'shan Lighthouse, China
bsa = Pai-ling-miao Astro, China
bsb = Palau Astro, Caroline Islands
bsc = Palermo, Argentina
bsd = Palestine 1928, Israel/Jordan
bse = Palmer Astro
bsf = Panamá-Colón, Panama
bsg = Pandeli, Léros, Deodecanese, Greece
bsh = Panthéon, Paris, France
bsi = Pao-tou-Astro, China
bsj = Papatachi 1949, New Zealand
bsk = Papeete Astronomical Pier, Tahiti, Society Islands
bsl = Paraguari Base S End, Paraguay
bsm = Paraná, Argentina
bsn = Parapara, South Island, New Zealand
bso = Parece Vela Astronomic Point, Parece Vela (Douglas Reef)
bsp = Pency, Czechoslovkia
bsq = Pei-ching, China
bsr = Pei-king System 1954, China
bss = Pei-li Astro (1940), China
bst = Pei-ping, China
bta = Pei-ping 1954 System, China
btb = Pelarang, Kalimantan, Indonesia
btc = Pen Phare, Vietnam
btd = Pepito, Bolivia
bte = Perak, Kedah, Malaysia (West)
btf = Perth Observatory, Western Australia
btg = Perth 1899, Western Australia
bth = Pete Astro 1969, Zanzibar
bti = Phare d'Ayabele, Djibouti, French Somaliland
btj = Phare du Cap Blanc, Mauritania
btk = Phoenix Island, Phoenix Islands
btl = Pico de las Nieves, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
btm = Pico de São Tomé, São Tomé Island
btn = Pico Norte
bto = Pidurutal Agala, Ceylon
btp = Pier Observation Spot, Fila Harbour, Efate Island, New Hebrides
btq = Pilar Astrónomico de Ponta Grossa, Brazil
btr = Pilar Astrónomico (S Paulo), Brazil
bts = Pilar de Observaciones de Puerto, Argentina
btt = Pilar do Forte, Brazil
caa = Pinder Point Light, Bahamas
cab = Pingelap Island Observation Spot, Pingelap Island, Caroline Islands
cac = Pintados SE Base, Chile
cad = P'ing-ti-ch Uan, China
cae = Pitcairn Astro 1967
caf = Plantation Point, Jervis Bay, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
cag = Point A Subcommission 5 Boundary Survey, Chile-Argentina
cah = Ponape Astro 1962
cai = Port Etienne, Mauritania
caj = Port Huon Hospital Bay Observation Spot, Tasmania
cak = Port Langdon South Base, Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia
cal = Port Lockroy
cam = Porto Santo Observatory, Madeira Islands
can = Poto Astro, Bolivia
cao = Potsdam (Helmertturm), Germany
cap = Poulo Condore (Con Son), Vietnam
caq = Pronto Socorro, Brazil
car = Provisional Chilean 1963
cas = Provisional National, Australia
cat = Provisional South American 1956 Datum
cba = Puerto Rico Datum, Puerto Rico, Greater Antilles
cbb = Pulap Astronomic Station No. B1 (1920), Pulap Atoll, Caroline Islands
cbc = Pulkovo 1913 System, USSR
cbd = Pulkovo 1932 System, USSR
cbe = Pulkovo 1942 System, USSR
cbf = Punaavia Base North End, Tahiti, Society Islands
cbg = Puntarenas, Costa Rica
cbh = P2 Point, Ile des Petrels, Adelie Land, Antarctica
cbi = Quito Observatorio, Ecuador
cbj = Qornoq Datum, Greenland
cbk = Ramakure-Byo Astro, China
cbl = Ra usuva, Viti Levu Island, Fiji Islands
cbm = Reconnaissance Triangulation, Morocco
cbn = Red Bridge Astronomic Station, China
cbo = Residence Flagstaff, Margarava Island, Gambier Islands
cbp = Reval (Tallin), Estonia
cbq = Reykjavik, Iceland
cbr = Riga Petera Baznica (St Peter S Church, Riga) Latvia
cbs = Rikuraru (Emijwan) Island Triangulation Station and Likiep Island South Pass Reef Triangulation Station, Likiep Atoll, Marshall Islands
cbt = Rio Benito, Rio Muni, Spanish Guinea
cca = Rongelap Island Observation Spot, Marshall Islands
ccb = Rongelap 1959 Datum, Marshall Islands
ccc = Rota 1950 71 Esld, Rota Island, Mariana Islands
ccd = Royal Alfred Obsv, Mauritania
cce = Royal Government of Afghanistan (RGA)
ccf = Rube Point Observation Spot, Ebo Atoll, Marshall Islands
ccg = Rum Cay Light, Bahamas
cch = Sainte Anne I, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles
cci = Saipan Astro US Navy 1944, Saipan Island, Mariana Islands
ccj = Sakura-dai I, Manchuria
cck = Sakura-dai II, Manchuria
ccl = Sakura-dai III, Manchuria
ccm = Sama Base, Peru
ccn = Samana Fort, Dominican Republic, Greater Antilles
cco = Samate, Salawati Island, West Irian
ccp = Santa Maria-GS-8, Grenada, Lesser Antilles
ccq = Santa Maria Light, Bahamas
ccr = San Fernando Observatory, Spain
ccs = San Miguel Astro, Ecuador
cct = San-tsao Tao Astro, China
cda = San-ya Astro (1940), China
cdb = São Braz, São Miguel and Santa Maria, Azores
cdc = Sarigan Astronomic Station (1921), Sarigan Island, Mariana Islands
cdd = Sarigan Astro 1964, Sarigan Island, Mariana Islands
cde = Schwarzeck, South West Africa
cdf = Seba, Sawu Island, Indonesia
cdg = Selwa, Arabia
cdh = Semaphore Mast Cayenne, French Guyana
cdi = Semaphore of Noumea (1935), New Caledonia
cdj = Semporna, Malaysia (East)
cdk = Shah-ho-chen Astro, China
cdl = Shan-hai-kuan Lighthouse, China
cdm = Shang-ch'uan Tao Astro, China
cdn = Shen'hsien Astro, China
cdo = Shumushu Astro, Kuril Islands
cdp = Shun-i, China
cdq = Siamese, Thailand
cdr = Sierra Leone Datum, Sierra Leone
cds = Signal Goeland, Mauritania
cdt = Sin-do, Manchuria
cea = Sinyum, Pahang, Malaysia (West)
ceb = Smolensk Nikolai, USSR
cec = Socotra 1957
ced = Soke, Turkey
cee = Soldano Rock, Venezuela
cef = Sommet Tano, New Caledonia
ceg = South African, South Africa
ceh = South American 1969
cei = South Asia Datum
cej = South Point Light, Bahamas
cek = South Station, Tongatobu,Tonga Islands
cel = South Sumatra, Indonesia
cem = Southeast Island, Seychelles
cen = Spitzbergen
ceo = Stalingrad-Kasan, USSR
cep = Stockholm, Sweden
ceq = Stocking Island Astro, Bahamas
cer = Stringer Trig, Papua
ces = St Helena 1906
cet = St Louis, Senegal
cfa = St Matthew Astronomical Datum, Alaska
cfb = St Paul-St George 1944 Datum, Pribilof Islands, Alaska
cfc = St Petersburg, USSR
cfd = St Stephen S Turm, Vienna, Austria
cfe = Sui'hsien Astro, China
cff = Sui-yang, China
cfg = Sul SW Base, Brazil
cfh = Sumner Astro 1944, Caroline Islands
cfi = Survey Beacon SLS 28/57/107, Sierra Leone
cfj = Sverdlovsk, Vozneseniya Cathedral, USSR
cfk = Svobodnyy 1935 System, USSR
cfl = Sweetings Cay Light, Bahamas
cfm = Sydney Island, Phoenix Islands
cfn = Sydney Observatory, New South Wales, Australia
cfo = Szechwan, China
cfp = Table Hill, New Zealand
cfq = Ta-ch'ang-t'u Shan Astro, China
cfr = Ta-sha-kang, China
cfs = Tacloban, Leyte, Philippines
cft = Tai-lai I, Manchuria
cga = Tai-lai II, Manchuria
cgb = Tai-lai III, Manchuria
cgc = Tai-lai IV, Manchuria
cgd = Tai-lao VI, Manchuria
cge = Tai-ping-chiao, Manchuria
cgf = Taira Datum, Miyaka-Jima, Ryukyu Islands
cgg = Takowaka Island Observation Spot, Marshall Islands
cgh = Talalabad, Afghanistan
cgi = Tananarive Observatory Datum, Madagascar
cgk = Tanapag Harbor, Saipan, Mariana Islands
cgl = Tang-yang Astro, China
cgm = Tao-hua-pao Astro, China
cgn = Taongi Astro 1952
cgo = Taroa island Triangulation Station, Maloelap Atoll, Marshall Islands
cgp = Tashkent 1875 System, USSR
cgq = TCI, Trucial States
cgr = Te-an Astro, China
cgs = Tebun-Byo Astro, China
cgt = Termez Astro, USSR
cha = Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia
chb = Testigos Astro, Venezuela
chc = Tete, Mozambique
chd = TG Soeadja (Hollandia), West Irian
che = Thorshavn, Faeroes
chf = Tien-wen-tien Astro, China
chg = Tiflis, USSR
chh = Timbalai 1936 Datum, Brunei, Borneo
chi = Timbalai 1938 Datum, Brunei, Borneo
chj = Timbalai 1948 Datum, Brunei, Borneo
chk = Tinian Control 1950, Mariana Islands
chl = Tiranë, Albania
chm = Tobruk, Libya
chn = T'o-k'o-t'o Astro, China
cho = Tokowa Island Observation Spot, Mili Atoll, Marshall Islands
chp = Tokyo Astronomical Observatory (Old) 1918, Japan
chq = Tokyo Datum, Japan
chr = To-lun, China
chs = Tomor 1961
cht = Toro, Uganda
cia = Towe Island Astro, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
cib = Townsville, Queensland, Australia
cic = Transmit of Venus Station, Moqattam Hills, Cairo, Egypt (United Arab Republic)
cid = Tres Barras Extremo NE da Base, Brazil
cie = Trig A (North Taieri Meridional Circuit), South Island, New Zealand
cif = Triangulation Pointe Noire 1950-57, Congo, Brazzaville
cig = Trig A (Hawke S Bay Meridional Circuit), North Island, New Zealand
cih = Trig A (Poverty Bay Meridional Circuit), North Island, New Zealand
cii = Trig E, South Island, New Zealand
cij = Trig E Maketu, North Island, New Zealand
cik = Trinidad Trigonometrical Survey Datum, Trinidad, Lesser Antilles
cil = Tripoli (New Lighthouse), Libya
cim = Truk Astro 1951, Truk Island, Caroline Islands
cin = Ts'ao'hsien Astro, China
cio = Tshinsenda Base NW End (Point A), Zaire
cip = Tsingtao Observatory, China
ciq = Tsitsihar (Lungkiang), Manchuria
cir = Tsun-hua Astro, China
cis = T'ung-chou, China
cit = T'ung-shan Astro (East Base), China
cja = Tu-lung, China
cjb = Tuhirangi, North Island, New Zealand
cjc = Tung-sha'tao Astro, China
cjd = Tung-shih Astro, China
cje = Tunheim, Bear Island
cjf = Tu-shih'kou Astro, China
cjg = Tutuila Astro 1962, Tutuila Islands, Samoa Islands
cjh = Ubajay (Old), Argentina
cji = Ubajay 1928, Argentina
cjk = Ujelang Island Observation Spot, Marshall Islands
cjl = Ulul Astronomic Station (1916) Namonuito Atoll, Caroline Islands
cjm = Umm Er Rus, Arabia
cjn = Unalaska Datum, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
cjo = Uruppu Astro, Kuril Islands
cjp = US Naval Surveys 1944, Gilbert Islands
cjq = US Standard Datum, USA
cjr = Usho Chart 5416 (1945), Minto Reef, Caroline Islands
cjs = Uspallata NE Base, Argentina
cjt = Vaitape Flatstaff, Borabora Island, Society Islands
cka = Val de Serra, Brazil
ckb = Valdez Datum, Alaska
ckc = Valentine, Western Australia
ckd = Valle Huemules EG, Argentina
cke = Vanguard Datum, USA
ckf = Varesmae (System 1937), Estonia
ckg = Vi Astro, St Vincent, Lesser Antilles
ckh = Victoria Lighthouse, Seychelles
cki = Victoria Peak, China
ckj = Vieux Fort, St Lucia, Lesser Antilles
ckk = Vigan, Luzon, Philippines
ckl = Villa Cisneros, Spanish Sahara
ckm = Voirol, Algeria
ckn = Volga River Triangulation
cko = Wabutima, Kiriwina Island, Trobriand Islands
ckp = Waigama Misool Flagstaff, West Irian
ckq = Wake Island Astro 1952
ckr = Wenang, Sulawesi, Indonesia
cks = West Base Astro, China
ckt = West Entrance Observation Spot, Canton Island, Phoenix Islands
cla = Weti, Pemba Island
clb = White Sands Datum, USA
clc = White Sea, USSR
cld = World Geodetic System 1960
cle = World Geodetic System 1966
clf = World Geodetic System 1972
clg = Wotje Island Observation Spot, Wotje Atoll, Marshall Islands
clh = Wu-ch'uan Astro, China
cli = Wu-lan-hua, China
clj = Wu-t'ai Astro, China
clk = XXIII Aratunga, Cook Islands
cll = Yacare, Uruguay
clm = Yang-hsien Astro, China
cln = Yang-lou-t Ung Astro, China
clo = Yang-p'u-chiang Astro, China
clp = Yang yuan Astro, China
clq = Yavin B, Argentina
clr = Yea Yama, Ryukyu Islands
cls = Yekaterinograd, USSR
clt = Yenikale, USSR
cma = Yenisey, USSR
cmb = Yeuh-chou Astro, China
cmc = Yof Astro 1967
cmd = Yu'hsien Astro, China
cme = Yu-shan Astro, China
cmf = Yukon Datum, Alaska/Yukon Territory
cmg = Yung-ch'eng Astro, China
cmh = Yung-yuan-Chiao, Manchuria
cmi = Yur Yev, USSR
cmj = Zagli, USSR
cmk = Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines
cml = Zapara Island, Venezuela
cmm = Zigida Astro, Liberia
cmn = Zvirblaiciai, Lithuania
cmo = Afgooye, Somalia
cmp = Sapper Hill, Falkland Islands
taa = Astronomically determined
tab = Local
tac = Local astro
tad = No datum
tae = Other known horizontal datum
zzz = Other known horizontal datum
$c 0..* Grid and Referencing System aa = Aden Zone
ab = Afghanistan Gauss-Krueger Grid
ac = Alabama Coordinate System
ad = Alaska Coordinate System
ae = Albania Bonne Grid
af = Algeria Zone See also North Algeria Zone (kb), South Algeria Zone (mk)
ag = American Somoa Coordinate System
ah = Argentine Gauss-Krueger Conformal Grid
ai = Arizona Coordinate System
aj = Arkansas Coordinate System
al = Australia Belts
am = Australian Map Grid
an = Austria Gauss-Krueger Grid
ao = Azores Gauss Conformal Grid
ap = Azores Gauss Zone
aq = Baku 1927 Coordinate System
ar = Bavaria Soldner Coordinate System
as = Belgium Bonne Grid
at = Belgium Lambert Grid
ba = Borneo Rectified Skew Orthomorphic Grid
bb = Brazil Gauss Conformal Grid
bc = Brazil Cassini Grid (10km letters)
bd = British Cassini Grid (100km letters)
be = British West Indies Grid
bf = Bulgaria Grauss-Krueger
bg = California Coordinate System
bh = Canada British Modified Grid
bi = Canary Islands (Spanish) Lambert Grid
bj = Canary Islands Zone
bk = Cape Verde Islands Zone
bl = Cape Verde Peninsula Grid
bm = Caspian Zone
bn = Caucasus Zone
bo = Ceylon Belt
bp = Chile Gauss Conformal Grid
bq = China Belt
br = China Lambert Grid
bs = Colombia Gauss Conformal Grid
bt = Colorado Coordinate System
ca = Connecticut Coordinate System
cb = Costa Rica Lambert Grid
cc = Crete Zone
cd = Crimea Grid
ce = Cuba Lambert Grid
cf = Cyprus Grid
cg = Czechoslovak Military Grid
ch = Czechoslovak Uniform Cadastral Coordinate System
ci = Dahomey Belt
cj = Danube Zone
ck = Delaware Coordinate System
cl = Denmark General Staff Grid
cm = Denmark Geodetic Institute System 1934
cn = Dominican Lambert Grid
co = East Africa Belt
cp = Egypt Gauss Conformal Grid
cq = Egypt Purple Belt
cr = Egypt Red Belt
cs = Egypt 35 degree belt
ct = El Salvador Lambert Grid
da = English Belt
db = Estonian Grid
dc = Fernando Po Gauss Grid
dd = Fiji Grid
de = Finland Gauss-Krueger Grid
df = Florida Coordinate System
dg = Formosa (Taiwan) Gauss-Schreiber Coordinate System
dh = Franz Joseph Land Zone
di = French Bonne Grid
dj = French Equatorial Africa Grid
dk = French Guiana Gauss Grid
dl = French Indochina Bonne Grid
dm = French Lambert Zone
dn = French Somaliland Gauss-Laborde Grid
do = Gabon Belt
dp = Gabon Gauss Conformal Grid
dq = Guadeloupe Gauss-Laborde Grid
dr = Gauss-Krueger Grid
ds = Georgia Coordinate System
dt = German Army Grid (DHG)
ea = German Gauss-Krueger Grid
eb = Ghana National Grid
ec = Greece Azimuthal Grid
ed = Greece Bonne Grid
ee = Greece Conical Mecklenburg Coordinates
ef = Greece Conical Mecklenburg Coordinates (New Numbering)
eg = Greenland and Lambert Grid
eh = Guam Coordinate System
ei = Gautemala Lambert Grid
ej = Guinea Zone
ek = Guyana Transverse Mercator Grid
el = Haiti Lambert Grid
em = Hawaii Coordinate System
en = Hawaiian Grid
eo = Honduras Lambert Grid
ep = Hong Kong Colony Grid
eq = Hong Kong New System Cassini Grid
er = Hungary Stereographic Grid
es = Iberian Peninsula Zone
et = Iceland New Lambert Grid
fa = Iceland Zone
fb = Idaho Coordinate System
fc = Illinois Coordinate System
fd = India Zone (Unspecified)
fe = Indonesia Mercator Grid
ff = Indonesia Polyhedric Grid
fg = Iowa Coordinate System
fh = Iran National Grid
fi = Iraq National Grid
fj = Iraq Zone
fk = Irish Cassini Grid
fl = Irish Transverse Mercator Grid
fm = Italy Gauss-Boaga Grid
fn = Italy Zone See also North Italy Zone (kc), South Italy Zone (mo)
fo = Ivory Coast Azimuthal Grid
fp = Ivory Coast Belt
fq = Jamaica Foot Grid
fr = Japan Plane-Rectangular Coordinate System
fs = Japan Gauss-Schreiber Grid
ft = Johore Grid
ga = Kansas Coordinate System
gb = Katanga Grid
gc = Kentucky Coordinate System
gd = Kenya Colony Grid
ge = Korea Gauss-Schreiber Coordinate System
gf = Kwangsi Province Grid
gg = Kwantung Province Grid
gh = Lambert Conformal Conic Grid
gi = Latvia Coordinate System
gj = Levant Stereographic Grid
gk = Levant Zone
gl = Liberia Rectified Skew Orthomorphic Grid
gm = Libya Zone
gn = Lithuania Gauss-Krueger Grid
go = Louisiana Coordinate System
gp = Luxembourg Gauss-Krueger Grid
gq = Madagascar Grid
gr = Madeira Zone
gs = Maine Coordinate System
gt = Malaya Grid
ha = Malaya Rectified Skew Orthomorphic (metre) Grid
hb = Malaya Rectified Skew Orthomorphic (yard) Grid
hc = Maldive-Chagos Belt
hd = Malta Belt
he = Martinique Gauss Grid
hf = Maryland Coordinate System
hg = Massachusetts Coordinate System
hh = Mauritius Zone
hi = Mecca-Muscat Zone
hj = Mediterranean Zone
hk = Mexican Lambert Grid
hl = Michigan Coordinate System
hm = Minnesota Coordinate System
hn = Mississippi Coordinate System
ho = Missouri Coordinate System
hp = Montana Coordinate System
hq = Morocco Zone See also North Morocco Zone (ke), South Morocco Zone (mq)
hr = Mozambique Lambert Grid
hs = Mozambique Polyconic Grid
ht = National Grid of Great Britain (metres)
ja = National Grid of Great Britain (yards)
jb = Nebraska Coordinate System
jc = Netherlands East Indies Equatorial Zone British Metric Grid
jd = Netherlands East Indies Equatorial Zone US Yard Grid
je = Netherlands East Indies Southern Zone
jf = Netherlands Stereographic Grid (New Numbering)
jg = Netherlands Stereographic Grid (Old Numbering)
jh = Nevada Coordinate System
ji = New Sierra Leone Colony Grid
jj = New York Coordinate System
jk = New Zealand Belt
jl = New Zealand (North Island) Belt
jm = New Zealand (South Island) Belt
jn = New Zealand National Grid
jo = Nicaragua Lambert Grid
jp = Niger Belt
jq = Niger Zone
jr = Nigeria Colony Belt
js = Nord de Guerre Zone
jt = North Carolina Coordinate System
ka = North Dakota Coordinate System
kb = North Algeria Zone
kc = North Italy Zone
kd = North Korean Gauss-Krueger Grid
ke = North Morocco Zone
kf = North Sahara Zone
kg = North Tunisia Zone
kh = Northern European Zone
ki = Northern Malaya Grid
kj = Northwest Africa Zone
kk = Norway Gauss-Krueger Grid
kl = Ohio Coordinate System
km = Oklahoma Coordinate System
kn = Oregon Coordinate System
ko = Palestine Belt
kp = Palestine Cassini Grid
kq = Palestine Civil Grid (Cassini)
kr = Panama Lambert Grid
ks = Paraquay Gauss-Krueger Grid
kt = Peiping Coordinate System of 1954
la = Pennsylvania Coordinate System
lb = Peru Polyconic Grid
lc = Philippine Plane Coordinate System
ld = Philippine Polyconic Grid
le = Poland Gauss-Krueger Grid
lf = Poland Quasi-Stereographic Grid
lg = Portugal Bonne Grid, New
lh = Portugal Gauss Grid
li = Puerto Rico Coordinate System
lj = Puerto Rico Lambert Grid
lk = Pulkovo Coordinate System of 1932
ll = Qatar Grid
lm = Qatar Peninsula Grid
ln = Réunion Gauss Grid
lo = Rhode Island Coordinate System
lp = Rumania Bonne Grid
lq = Rumania Lambert-Cholesky Grid
lr = Rumania Stereographic Grid
ls = Russian Belts
lt = Sahara Zone See also North Sahara Zone (kf), South Sahara Zone (mr)
ma = Sarawak Grid
mb = Sarawak Belt
mc = Seychelles Belt
md = Sirte (Libya) Lambert Grid
me = South Africa Belts (Unspecified Unit of Measurement) - for Republic of South Africa use South Africa Coordinate System (mj)
mf = South Africa Belts (metres) - for Republic of South Africa use South Africa Coordinate System (mj)
mg = South Africa Belts (yards) - for Rep of South Africa use South Africa Coordinate System (mj)
mh = South Africa Belts (Cape Feet) - for Republic of South Africa use South Africa Coordinate System (mj)
mi = South Africa Belts (English feet) - for Republic of South Africa use South Africa Coordinate System (mj)
mj = South Africa Coordinate System (Republic of South Africa)
mk = South Algeria Zone
ml = South Carolina Coordinate System
mm = South Dakota Coordinate System
mn = South Georgia Lambert Grid
mo = South Italy Zone
mp = South Libya Zone
mq = South Morocco Zone
mr = South Sahara Zone
ms = South Syria Zone
mt = South Tunisia Zone
mu = South Syria Lambert Zone
na = Southern New Guinea Zone
nb = Soviet Coordinate System of 1942
nc = Spain Lambert Grid
nd = Spanish North-Morocco Lambert Grid
ne = Spanish Sahara Grid
nf = Spitzbergen Zone
ng = Svalbard Gauss-Krueger Grid
nh = Svobodny 1935 Coordinate System
ni = Sweden Gauss-Hanover Grid
nj = Switzerland Bonne Grid
nk = Switzerland Conformal Oblique Cylindrical Grid
nl = Tanganyika Territorial Grid
nm = Tashkent 1875 Coordinate Grid
nn = Tennessee Coordinate System
no = Texas Coordinate System
np = Tobago Grid
nq = Trinidad Grid
nr = Trucial Coast Cassini Grid
ns = Tunisia Zone See also North Tunisia Zone (kg), South Tunisia Zone (mt)
nt = Turkey Bonne Grid
pa = Turkey Gauss-Krueger Grid
pb = Uganda Cassini Coordinate System
pc = Universal Polar Stereographic Grid
pd = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; unspecified spheroid
pe = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; International spheroid
pf = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; Everest Spheroid
pg = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; Clarke 1866 spheroid
ph = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; Clarke 1880 spheroid
pi = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; Besel spheroid
pj = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; Australian National spheroid
pk = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; South American Spheroid
pl = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; unspecified WGS spheroid
pm = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; WGS 1966 spheroid
pn = Universal Transverse Mercator Grid; WGS 1972 spheroid
po = Uruguay Gauss-Krueger Grid
pq = US Polyconic Grid System
pr = Utah Coordinate System
ps = Venezuela Modified Lambert Grid
pt = Vermont Coordinate System
ra = Vietnam Azimuthal Grid
rb = Virginia Coordinate System
rc = West Virginia Coordinate System
rd = Wisconsin Coordinate System
re = World Polyconic System
rf = Wyoming Coordinate System
rg = Yugoslavia Gauss-Krueger Grid (Not reduced)
rh = Yugoslavia Reduced Gauss-Krueger Grid
ri = Yunnan Province Grid
rj = India Zone 0
rk = India Zone I
rl = India Zone IIA
rm = India Zone IIB
rn = India Zone IIIA
ro = India Zone IIIB
rp = India Zone IVA
rq = India Zone IVB
$d 0..* Overlapping and Referencing System
$e 0..* Secondary Grid and Referencing System
$f 0..* Vertical Datum aa = Aburatsubo, Japan
ab = Accra, Ghana
ac = Aden Mean Sea Level
ad = Aden Tidal Observatory
ae = Adjusted MSL 1891, Denmark
af = Admiralty Datum, Australia
ag = Aitutaki, Cook Islands
ah = Al Faw (Fao), Iraq
aj = Alexandria, Egypt
ak = Alicante, 1870-72, Spain
al = Almirante, Panama
am = Amherst Tidal Observatory, Burma
an = Anhwei Assumed, China
ao = Antalya, Turkey
ap = Antofagasta, Chile
aq = Approximate Kronstadt
ar = Apra Harbor, Guam, Mariana Islands
as = Aquaba, Jordan
at = Africa (Chile), Bolivia
ba = Arica, Chile
bb = Assab, Ethiopia
bc = Auckland 1946, New Zealand
bd = Australian Capital Territory Datum Australia
be = Balboa (Canal), Panama
bf = Banana, Zaire
bg = Bangkok RR Station, Thailand
bh = Barahona, Dominican Republic
bi = Beira, Rhodesia
bj = Beirut, Lebanon
bk = Belfast, Ireland
bl = Belize, British Honduras
bm = Bench Mark 1 MSL (1949), Mariana Islands
bn = Bench Mark 4 MSL, Mariana Islands
bo = Berlin, Germany
bp = Biloxi, Mississippi, USA
bq = Bluff, 1955, New Zealand
br = Bluff, 1960, New Zealand
bs = Brisbane MSL, Queensland, Australia
bt = Broome Jetty MSL, Western Australia
ca = Brussels, Belgium
cb = Buenaventura, Colombia
cc = Burnie, Tasmania
cd = Byrd Station, Antarctica
ce = Cagliari 1956, Sardinia
cf = Cairo, Illinois, USA
cg = Callao, Peru
ch = Camarta BM, Nicobar Island
ci = Cape Town, South Africa
cj = Cape York MSL, Queensland, Australia
ck = Cartagena (Atlantic Coast), Colombia
cl = Casablanca 1922, Morocco
cm = Cascais 1881-1938, Portugal
cn = Chekiang Assumed, China
co = Chen-chiang Customs, China
cp = Chih-huang Tao, China
cq = Chihli River Commission, China
cr = Chi-lung (Kirun), Taiwan
cs = Ching Tao MSL, China
da = Coatzacoalcos, Mexico
db = Colombo 1884-90, Ceylon
dc = Conakry, Guinea-Bissau
dd = Constanta, Rumania
de = Cooktown MSL, Queensland, Australia
df = Cristobal (Canal), Panama
dh = Dakar, Senegal
di = Dansk N.N., Denmark
dj = Darwin MSL, Northern Territory, Australia
dk = Darwin Town Datum, Northern Territory, Australia
dl = Davao Wharf Tide Staff, Mindanao, Philippines
dm = Denison MSL, Western Australia
dn = Darby MSL, Western Australia
do = Devonport MSL, Tasmania
dp = Diego Garcia, Chagos Archipelago
dq = Disko Bugt, Greenland
dr = Djakarta, Java, Indonesia
ds = Dublin Bay, Ireland
dt = Dunedin 1958, New Zealand
ea = Durres, Albania
eb = Eden Tide Gauge, New South Wales, Australia
ec = Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
ed = Errits, Denmark
ee = Federal Datum, Rhodesia
ef = Freetown, Sierra Leone
eg = Fremantle MSL, Western Australia
eh = Fukien Assumed, China
ei = Genoa 1942, Italy
ej = Ginara, Punta Colombo, Cuba
ek = Golfito, Costa Rica
el = Ha Tien MSL, Vietnam
em = Haifa, Israel
en = Hai-lo Conservancy Commission, China
eo = Havana, Cuba
ep = Helsinki, Finland
eq = Hobart MSL, Tasmania
er = Hobson Bay LWM, Victoria, Australia
es = Honan Assumed, China
et = Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands
fa = Honto MSL, Sakhalin, USSR
fb = Haui River Commission, China
fc = Hunan Assumed, China
fd = Hupeh Assumed, China
fe = Ilha e Naos, Panama
ff = Illigan Harbour Tide Staff, Mindanao, Philippines
fg = Imbituba, Brazil
fh = Inch'on Provisional, Korea (South)
fi = Indian MSL, India
fj = Indian Spring Low Water
fk = International Great Lakes Datum 1935, Canada
fl = International Great Lakes Datum 1955, USA
fm = Ireland I. Dockyard, Bermuda Islands
fn = Irish Ordnance Datum (poolbeg), Ireland
fo = Isla de Pinos, Cuba
fp = Isle of Man Ordnances Datum, Great Britain
fq = Israel Land Survey Datum, Jaffa, Israel
fr = Jaffa, Israel
fs = Jehol Assumed, China
ft = K'an-men MSL, China
ga = Kavála, Greece
gb = Kiangsi Assumed, China
gc = Kiangsu Assumed, China
gd = Kiaochow Tsinan RR, China
ge = Kirin, China
gf = Klaipeda (Memel), Lithuania
gg = Ko Lak MSL, Thailand
gh = Kribi, Cameroon
gi = Kronshtadt (1840), USSR
gj = Kuala Trengganu MSL, Malaysia (West)
gk = Kwangsi Assumed, China
gl = Kwangtung Assumed, China
gm = Kweichow Assumed, China
gn = La Goulette, (Tunisia), Algeria
go = La Goulette, Tunisia
gp = La Guaira, Venezuela
gq = La Libertad, Ecuador
gr = La Libertad, El Salvador
gs = La Union (Cutuco), El Salvador
gt = Lagos, Nigeria
ha = Land Survey, Antarctica
hb = Launceston City Council Datum, Tasmania
hc = Lien-yun Chiang MSL, China
hd = Lisov, Czechoslovakia
hh = Lo-hsing-t'a Zero Point, China
hi = Lombrum, Manus Island, Admiralty Islands
hj = Lome, Togo
hk = Low Island, Great Barrier Reef
hl = Low Water Ordinary Spring Tide, Wyndham, Western Australiahm = Luanda, Angola
hn = Lyttleton 1938, New Zealand
ho = Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia
hp = Mako Harbor, Pescadores
hq = Malin Head, Ireland
hr = Manila Bay MSL, Philippines
hs = Mar del Plata, Argentina
ht = Marseille 1885-96, France
ja = Matarani, Peru
jb = Matavi, Tahiti, Society Islands
jc = Maura Tide Gauge, Malaysia (East)
jd = Mawson Tide Guage, Antarctica
jf = Mazatlan, Mexico
jg = Mediterranean, Italy (old-net)
jh = Mean Gulf Level, USA
ji = Mean High Water Sea, Antarctica
jl = Mean Sea Level Manifa Pier, Saudi Arabia
jm = Memphis, Tennessee, USA
jn = Mina Construction Datum, Kuwait
jo = Mocamedes, Angola
jp = Mombasa, Kenya
jq = Monrovia, Liberia
jr = Montevideo, Uruguay
js = Moturiki 1953, New Zealand
jt = MSL Adjustment 1927, Alaska
ka = MSL Adjustment 1935, Canadian Geodetic Datum
kb = MSL Adjustment 1958, Cuba
kc = MSL Adjustment 1959, Mexico and Panama
kd = MSL Adjustment 1960, Mexico, Central America and Colombia
ke = MSL Adjustment 1961, Haiti
kf = MSL Adjustment 1962, Chile
kg = MSL Adjustment 1964, Jamaica
kh = MSL Adjustment 1966, Ecuador and Peru
ki = NADAP I, Hungary
kj = NADAP II, Hungary
kk = Naha BM, Ryukyu Islands
kl = Narvik, Norway
km = Nelson 1955, New Zealand
kn = Nevelsk (Honto), Sakhalin
ko = NM/S/G, Antarctica
kp = Nord Norges Normal Null(NNN), Norway
kq = Norges Normal Null, Norway
kr = Normal Amsterdams Piel (NAP), Netherlands
ks = Normal Null (NN), Germany
kt = Normalhoehen (NH) System 1960. East Germany
la = Noumea MSL, New Caledonia
lb = N.S.P. 1958, Surinam
lc = Okinawa Level, Ryukyu Islands
ld = Old Huang-ho-Zero Pt. China
le = Ordnance Datum (Lerwick), Shetland Islands, Great Britain
lf = Ordnance Datum (Liverpool), Great Britain
lg = Ordnance Datum (Newlyn), 1921 Great Britain
lh = Ordnance Datum (Stornoway), Outer Hebrides, Great Britain
li = Ostende, Belgium
lj = Pafos, Cyprus
lk = Perth Headland Jetty, Western Australia
ll = Pierre du Niton, Geneva, Switzerland
lm = Pimba Railway Datum, South Australia
ln = Point Fouillole, Guadeloupe
lo = Point Lonsdale, Victoria, Australial
lq = Pont de Capitainerie de le Ville, São Tomé Island
lr = Port Adelaide MSL, South Australia
ls = Port au Prince, Haiti
lt = Port aux Basques, Newfoundland
ma = Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen Is
mb = Port Dickson, Malaysia (West)
mc = Port Moresby, Papua
md = Port of Spain, Trinidad
me = Port Royal, Jamaica
mf = Port Swettenham MSL, Malaysia (West)
mg = Port Waikato 1954, New Zealand
mh = Port Weld MSL, Malaysia (West)
mi = Port Welshpool, Victoria, Australia
mj = Portland MSL, Victoria, Australia
mk = Principal Datum, Hong Kong
ml = Puerto Armuelles, Panama
mm = Puerto Cortés 1948-51, Honduras
mn = Puerto de Cristobal, Panama
mo = Puerto Limón, Costa Rica
mp = Puerto Montt, Chile
mq = Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
mr = Puerto Puntarenas, Costa Rica
ms = Pulau Lakei, Malaysia
mt = Punta Arenas, Chile
na = Punta Penasco, Mexico
nb = Queensland State Datum, Australia
nc = Reykjavik, Iceland
nd = San Jose, Guatemala
ne = San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
nf = Sandy Hook, New Jersey, USA
ng = Santo Antonio 1916, Principe
nh = Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
ni = Sea Ice, Antarctica
nj = Sea Level Datum, 1912, USA
nk = Sea Level Datum, 1929, USA
nl = Sea Level, Bonin Island
nm = Seoul, S Korea
nn = Seward-Veldez MSL, Alaska
no = Shanghai Customs, China
np = Shanghai-Nanking RR, China
nq = Shansi Assumed, China
nr = Shantung Assumed, China
ns = Shensi Assumed, China
nt = Singkiang Assumed, China
pa = Shun-ch'in Water Conservancy Bureau, China
pb = Split, Yugoslavia
pc = Station R, Ille du Maregraphe, Terre Adélie, Antarctica
pd = St James, Barbados
pe = St John, New Brunswick, Canada
pf = Stockholm, Sweden
pg = Sydney Datum MSL, New South Wales, Australia
ph = Sydney Standard, New South Wales, Australia
pi = Szechwan Assumed, China
pj = Tacloban Tide Staff, Leyte, Philippines
pk = Ta-Ku MSL, China
pl = Ta-ku Zero Point, China
pm = Talara, Peru
pn = Ta-lien, China
po = Tallin (Reval), Estonia
pp = Tamatave, Malagasy Republic
pq = Tampico, Mexico
pr = Tandjungpriak TG, Java, Indonesia
ps = Tanga, Tanzania
pt = Tararu, New Zealand
qa = Thessaloniki, Greece
qb = Tibe Gauge Observatory, Port Blair, Andaman Islands
qc = Tokyo, Japan
qd = Topoplobampo, Mexico
qe = Torres (Brazil), Paraquay
qf = Torres, Brazil
qg = Torun, Poland
qh = Townsville, Queensland, Australia
qi = Tregde, Norway
qj = Trieste 1875 (Italy) Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia
qk = Tripoli, Libya
qm = Unahi Road, New Zealand
qn = Valparaiso, Chile
qo = Varna, Bulgaria
qp = Vladivostok, USSR
qq = Walvis Bay, Southwest Africa
qr = Wanganui, New Zealand
qs = Wangpoo Conservancy Board, China
qt = Wellington 1953, New Zealand
ra = Williamstown LWM, Victoria, Australia
rb = Wonsan (Genzan), Korea
rc = Wu-sung MSL, China
rd = Wu-sung Zero Point, China
re = Yunnan Assumed, China
rf = Apollo 15 Datum, Moon
rg = General levelling, France
rh = Mosting "A" 1960, Moon
ta = Approximate mean sea-level
tb = Local
tc = Local LWM
td = Local MSL
te = Mean sea-level
tf = None
tg = Arbitrary
th = Mean low water
ti = Mean low water Springs
tj = Mean lower low water
tk = Mean lower low water Springs
tl = Lowest normal low water
tm = Lowest low water
tn = Indian Spring low water
to = at or near the level of lowest astronomical tide
uu = unknown vertical datum
zz = other known vertical datum
$g 0..* Unit of Measurement of Heighting aa = metre
ab = Imperial foot
ac = saszhen
ad = klafter
ae = fathom
af = Dutch foot
ag = Prussian foot
ah = Austrian foot
ai = Spanish foot
aj = Bavarian foot
ak = French foot (metric)
al = French foot (imperial)
am = Roman palm
an = Portuguese palm
ao = South African foot
ap = Danish foot
aq = Norwegian foot
ar = Swedish foot
uu = unknown unit of measurement
zz = other known unit of measurement
$h 0..* Contour Interval
$i 0..* Supplementary Contour Interval
$j 0..* Unit of Measurement of Bathymetry
$k 0..* Bathymetric Interval
$l 0..* Supplementary Bathymetric Interval
$a 0..1 Coded Data for Electronic Resources positions:
10 Antecedent/Source
11 Level of Compression
12 Reformatting Quality
00 Type of electronic resource
01 Special Material Designation
02 Colour
03 Dimensions
04 Sound
05-07 Image Bit Depth
08 Number of File Formats
09 Quality Assurance Target(s)
$a 0..1 Antiquarian Coded Data - General positions:
19 Biography Code
20 Support Material - Book
21 Support Material - Plates
22 Watermark Code
24 Publisher's Device Code
25 Ornamental Device Code
00-03 Illustration Codes - Book
04-07 Illustration Codes - Full Page Plates
08 Illustration Code - Technique
09-16 Form of Contents Code
17-18 Literature Code
26-27 Unassigned
$5 0..1 Institution and Copy to Which the Field Applies
$a 0..1 Coded data - Copy specific attributes positions:
00-02 Binding Material Code - General
03 Types of Binding Code
04 'Bound with' Code
05 State of Preservation Code - Binding - General
06-07 State of Preservation Code - Body of the Book - General
$b 0..1 Binding specific characteristics positions:
00-01 Primary binding material // comment If the code in subfield $a/0-2 is “a” or “b”more specific codes below could be used.
02-03 Secondary binding material // comment If the code in subfield $a/0-2 is “a” or “b”more specific codes below could be used.
04 Binding decoration
05 Decoration motifs
06 Binding pieces
07 Boards
$c 0..1 Age # = Information not available
a = earlier then 10th Century
b = 10th-14th Century
c = 15th Century
d = 16th Century
e = 17th Century
f = 18th Century
g = 19th Century
h = 20th Century
i = 21st Century
u = Unknown
z = Other
$d 0..1 Binding State of Preservation code - specific positions:
00-02 Binding State of Preservation Code - specific
$e 0..1 Body of the Book Specific Characteristics positions:
00-02 Hand-made Illustration Code
03-05 Marks in Book Code
$f 0..1 Body of the Book State of Preservation Code - specific positions:
00-02 Body of the Book State of Preservation Code - specific
$a 0..1 Type of performance medium a = vocal a capella music
b = instrumental music
c = vocal-instrumental music
d = electroacoustic music
e = electroacoustic-mixed music
u = undefined, variable
$b 0..* Instrument/voice, conductor, other performer or device positions:
00-01 No. of instruments or voices
02-04 Type of instrument or voice
05-06 Suffix
07 Suffix
$c 0..* Type of ensemble positions:
00-01 No. of instruments or voices
02-04 Type of instrument or voice
05-06 Suffix
07 Suffix
$d 0..* Group within larger ensemble positions:
00-01 No. of real parts of ensemble
02-04 Type of instrument or voice
05-06 Suffix
07 Suffix
$e 0..* Number of parts positions:
00-02 No. of instruments or voices
03 Suffix
$f 0..* Number of players For suffixes positions:
00-02 No. of instruments or voices
03 Suffix
$a 0..1 Type of performance medium a = vocal a capella music
b = instrumental music
c = vocal and instrumental music
d = electroacoustic music
e = mixed media music
u = undefined, variable
z = other
$b 0..* Instrument or Voice Soloist positions:
00-01 No. of instruments or voices
02-04 Category of instrument or voice
05 Other details - Tessitura, prepared
06 Other details - Number of hands / players; Keys of pitched instruments
07 Other details - Other
08 Other details - Position 8
$c 0..* Instrument or Voice Non-soloist, Conductor, Other Performer or Device, not Included in an Ensemble Recorded in Subfield $d positions:
00-01 No. of instruments or voices
02-04 Category of instrument or voice
05 Other details - Tessitura, prepared
06 Other details - Number of hands / players; Keys of pitched instruments
07 Other details - Other
08 Other details - Position 8
$d 0..* Vocal or Instrumental Ensemble positions:
00-01 Numbers of ensembles
02-04 Category of ensemble
05-06 Number of real parts
07 Other details - Other
08 Other details - Position 8
$e 0..* Instrument or Voice Non-soloist, Conductor, Other Performer or Device, Included in an Ensemble Recorded in Preceding Subfield $d positions:
00-01 No. of instruments or voices
02-04 Category of Instrument or Voice
05 Other details - Tessitura, prepared
06 Other details - Number of hands / players; Keys of pitched instruments
07 Other details - Other
08 Other details - Position 8
$f 0..* Specific Instrument Related to the Generic one Recorded in Preceding Subfield $c or $e positions:
00-01 No. of instruments
02-04 Category of Instrument
05 Other details - Tessitura, prepared
06 Other details - Number of hands / players; Keys of pitched instruments
07 Other details - Other
08 Other details - Position 8
$h 0..* Number of Parts positions:
00-02 Number of Parts
03 Category
$i 0..* Number of Players positions:
00-02 Number of Players
03 Category
$2 0..1 Source
$6 0..* Interfield Linking Data
$a 0..1 ISBD Content Form Code positions:
00 Content Form
01 Extent of Applicability
$b 0..* ISBD Content Qualification Code positions:
00 Specification of Type
01 Specification of Motion
02 Specification of Dimensionality
03-05 Sensory Specification
$c 0..* Other Coding for Content Form
$2 0..1 Source
$6 0..* Interfield Linking Data
$a 0..1 ISBD Media Type Code positions:
00 Content Form
$c 0..* Other Coding for Content Form
$2 0..1 Source
$6 0..* Interfield Linking Data
$8 0..* Materials Specified
$a 0..1 Type of Carrier Code positions:
00 Content Form
$c 0..* Other Coding for Content Form
$5 0..1 Institution and Copy to Which Field Applies
$a 0..* Title Proper
$b 0..* General Material Designation
$c 0..* Title Proper by Another Author
$d 0..* Parallel Title Proper
$e 0..* Other Title Information
$f 0..* First Statement of Responsibility
$g 0..* Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
$h 0..* Number of a Part
$i 0..* Name of a Part
$v 0..1 Volume Designation
$z 0..* Language of Parallel Title Proper codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$a 0..* Content form // comment Terms defined for ISBD Content Form element must be used. a = dataset
b = image
c = movement
d = music
e = object
f = program
g = sounds
h = spoken word
i = text
m = multiple content forms
z = other content form
$b 0..* Content qualification // comment Terms defined for ISBD Content Qualification sub-element must be used. a = notated
b = performed
c = cartographic
$c 0..1 Media type // comment Terms defined for ISBD Media Type element must be used. a = audio
b = electronic
c = microform
d = microscopic
e = projected
f = stereographic
g = video
m = multiple media
n = unmediated
z = other media
$a 0..1 GMD
$a 0..1 Edition Statement
$b 0..* Issue Statement
$d 0..* Parallel Edition Statement
$f 0..* Statement of Responsibility Relating to Edition
$g 0..* Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
$a 0..1 Mathematical Data Statement
$b 0..* Statement of scale
$c 0..1 Statement of projection
$d 0..1 Statement of coordinates
$e 0..1 Statement of zone Used for celestial charts
$f 0..1 Statement of equinox
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$3 0..* Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$j 0..* Form Subdivision
$x 0..* Topical Subdivision
$y 0..* Geographical Subdivision
$z 0..* Chronological Subdivision
$2 0..1 System Code codes from unimarc-kos-a.6
$3 0..* Authority Record Identifier
$5 0..1 Institution and Copy to which the Field Applies
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$j 0..* Form Subdivision
$x 0..* Topical Subdivision
$y 0..* Geographical Subdivision
$z 0..* Chronological Subdivision
$a 0..* Subject Term
615 0..* SUBJECT CATEGORY (Provisional)
$2 0..1 System Code codes from unimarc-kos-a.6
$3 0..* Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Subject Category Entry Element Text
$m 0..* Subject Category Subdivision Code
$n 0..* Subject Category Code
$x 0..* Subject Category Subdivision Text
$2 0..1 System code
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Entry element
$c 0..* Qualification
$f 0..1 Dates
$j 0..* Form subdivision
$x 0..* Topical subdivision
$y 0..* Geographical subdivision
$z 0..* Chronological subdivision
$2 0..1 System Code
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..* Country (Nation State)
$b 0..1 State or Province, etc
$c 0..* Intermediate Political Jurisdiction
$d 0..1 City, etc
$e 0..* Venue
$f 0..* Date
$g 0..1 Season
$h 0..1 Occasion
$i 0..1 Final date
$k 0..* Subsection of City, etc
$m 0..* Other Geographical Regions or Features
$n 0..* Extraterrestrial Areas
$o 0..* Geographical areas such as world, hemisphere, continent: larger area than country
$2 0..1 System Code
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Country (Nation State)
$b 0..1 State or Province etc
$c 0..* Intermediate Political Jurisdiction
$d 0..1 City, etc
$e 0..* Venue
$f 0..* Date
$g 0..1 Season
$h 0..1 Occasion
$i 0..1 Final date
$k 0..* Subsection of City, etc
$m 0..* Other Geographical Regions or Features
$n 0..* Extraterrestrial Areas
$o 0..* Geographical areas such as world, hemisphere, continent: larger area than country
$2 0..1 System code
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$5 0..1 Institution and Copy to which the field applies
$a 0..1 Country (Nation State) or Larger Entity Country
$b 0..1 State or Province, etc
$c 0..* Intermediate Political Jurisdiction
$d 0..1 City, etc
$e 0..* Building, vehicle, etc
$f 0..1 Date 1
$g 0..1 Season
$h 0..1 Occasion
$i 0..1 Date 2
$k 0..* Subsection of City, etc
$m 0..* Other geographic regions or features
$n 0..* Extraterrestrial area
$o 0..* Geographical areas such as world, hemisphere, continent: larger area than country
623 0..* CHARACTER
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$6 0..* Interfield Linking Data
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element
$c 0..* Additions to Name of the Character
$a 0..1 Make and Model of Machines
$b 0..1 Programming Languages
$c 0..1 Operating System
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..* Authority Record Identifier
$8 0..1 Materials Specified
$a 0..1 Occupation
$b 0..1 Form
$j 0..* Form Subdivision
$x 0..* Topical Subdivision
$y 0..* Geographical Subdivision
$z 0..* Chronological Subdivision
632 0..* FUNCTION
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..* Authority Record Identifier
$8 0..1 Materials Specified
$a 0..1 Function
$j 0..* Form Subdivision
$x 0..* Topical Subdivision
$y 0..* Geographical Subdivision
$z 0..* Chronological Subdivision
$a 0..1 Code a = Asia
a-af = Afghanistan
a-ai = Armenia (Republic)
a-aj = Azerbaijan
a-ba = Bahrain
a-bg = Bangladesh
a-bn = Borneo
a-br = Burma
a-bt = Bhutan
a-bx = Brunei
a-cb = Cambodia
a-cc = China
a-cc-an = Anhui Sheng (China)
a-cc-ch = Zhejiang Sheng (China)
a-cc-cq = Chongqing (China)
a-cc-fu = Fujian Sheng (China)
a-cc-ha = Hainan Sheng (China)
a-cc-he = Heilongjiang Sheng (China)
a-cc-hh = Hubei Sheng (China)
a-cc-hk = Hong Kong (China)
a-cc-ho = Henan Sheng (China)
a-cc-hp = Hebei Sheng (China)
a-cc-hu = Hunan Sheng (China)
a-cc-im = Inner Mongolia (China)
a-cc-ka = Gansu Sheng (China)
a-cc-kc = Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China)
a-cc-ki = Jiangxi Sheng (China)
a-cc-kn = Guangdong Sheng (China)
a-cc-kr = Jilin Sheng (China)
a-cc-ku = Jiangsu Sheng (China)
a-cc-kw = Guizhou Sheng (China)
a-cc-lp = Liaoning Sheng (China)
a-cc-mh = Macau (China : Special Administrative Region)
a-cc-nn = Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu (China)
a-cc-pe = Beijing (China)
a-cc-sh = Shanxi Sheng (China)
a-cc-sm = Shanghai (China)
a-cc-sp = Shandong Sheng (China)
a-cc-ss = Shaanxi Sheng (China)
a-cc-su = Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China)
a-cc-sz = Sichuan Sheng (China)
a-cc-ti = Tibet (China)
a-cc-tn = Tianjin (China)
a-cc-ts = Qinghai Sheng (China)
a-cc-yu = Yunnan Sheng (China)
a-ccg = Yangtze River (China)
a-cck = Kunlun Mountains (China and India)
a-ccp = Bo Hai (China)
a-ccs = Xi River (China)
a-ccy = Yellow River (China)
a-ce = Sri Lanka
a-ch = Taiwan
a-cy = Cyprus
a-em = Timor-Leste
a-gs = Georgia (Republic)
-a-hk = Hong Kong
a-ii = India
a-io = Indonesia
a-iq = Iraq
a-ir = Iran
a-is = Israel
a-ja = Japan
a-jo = Jordan
a-kg = Kyrgyzstan
a-kn = Korea (North)
a-ko = Korea (South)
a-kr = Korea
a-ku = Kuwait
a-kz = Kazakhstan
a-le = Lebanon
a-ls = Laos
-a-mh = Macao
a-mk = Oman
a-mp = Mongolia
a-my = Malaysia
a-np = Nepal
a-nw = New Guinea
-a-ok = Okinawa
a-ph = Philippines
a-pk = Pakistan
a-pp = Papua New Guinea
-a-pt = Portuguese Timor
a-qa = Qatar
a-si = Singapore
-a-sk = Sikkim
a-su = Saudi Arabia
a-sy = Syria
a-ta = Tajikistan
a-th = Thailand
a-tk = Turkmenistan
a-ts = United Arab Emirates
a-tu = Turkey
a-uz = Uzbekistan
-a-vn = Viet Nam, North
-a-vs = Viet Nam, South
a-vt = Vietnam
a-ye = Yemen (Republic)
-a-ys = Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)
aa = Amur River (China and Russia)
ab = Bengal, Bay of
ac = Asia, Central
ae = East Asia
af = Thailand, Gulf of
ag = Mekong River
ah = Himalaya Mountains
ai = Indochina
ak = Caspian Sea
am = Malaya
an = East China Sea
ao = South China Sea
aopf = Paracel Islands
aoxp = Spratly Islands
ap = Persian Gulf
ar = Arabian Peninsula
as = Southeast Asia
at = Tien Shan
au = Arabian Sea
aw = Middle East
awba = West Bank
awgz = Gaza Strip
-awiu = Israel-Syria Demilitarized Zones
-awiw = Israel-Jordan Demilitarized Zones
-awiy = Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone
ay = Yellow Sea
az = South Asia
b = Commonwealth countries
c = Intercontinental areas (Western Hemisphere)
cc = Caribbean Area; Caribbean Sea
cl = Latin America
-cm = Middle America
-cr = Circumcaribbean
d = Developing countries
dd = Developed countries
e = Europe
e-aa = Albania
e-an = Andorra
e-au = Austria
e-be = Belgium
e-bn = Bosnia and Herzegovina
e-bu = Bulgaria
e-bw = Belarus
e-ci = Croatia
e-cs = Czechoslovakia
e-dk = Denmark
e-er = Estonia
e-fi = Finland
e-fr = France
e-ge = Germany (East)
e-gi = Gibraltar
e-gr = Greece
e-gw = Germany (West)
e-gx = Germany
e-hu = Hungary
e-ic = Iceland
e-ie = Ireland
e-it = Italy
e-kv = Kosovo
e-lh = Liechtenstein
e-li = Lithuania
e-lu = Luxembourg
e-lv = Latvia
e-mc = Monaco
e-mm = Malta
e-mo = Montenegro
e-mv = Moldova
e-ne = Netherlands
e-no = Norway
e-pl = Poland
e-po = Portugal
e-rb = Serbia
e-rm = Romania
e-ru = Russia (Federation)
e-sm = San Marino
e-sp = Spain
e-sw = Sweden
e-sz = Switzerland
e-uk = Great Britain
e-uk-en = England
e-uk-ni = Northern Ireland
e-uk-st = Scotland
e-uk-ui = Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
e-uk-wl = Wales
e-un = Ukraine
e-ur = Russia. Russian Empire. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics
-e-ur-ai = Armenia (Republic)
-e-ur-aj = Azerbaijan
-e-ur-bw = Belarus
-e-ur-er = Estonia
-e-ur-gs = Georgia (Republic)
-e-ur-kg = Kyrgyzstan
-e-ur-kz = Kazakhstan
-e-ur-li = Lithuania
-e-ur-lv = Latvia
-e-ur-mv = Moldova
-e-ur-ru = Russia (Federation)
-e-ur-ta = Tajikistan
-e-ur-tk = Turkmenistan
-e-ur-un = Ukraine
-e-ur-uz = Uzbekistan
e-urc = Central Chernozem Region (Russia)
e-ure = Siberia, Eastern (Russia)
e-urf = Russian Far East (Russia)
e-urk = Caucasus
-e-url = Central Region, RSFSR
e-urn = Soviet Union, Northwestern
-e-uro = Soviet Central Asia
e-urp = Volga River (Russia)
e-urr = Caucasus, Northern (Russia)
e-urs = Siberia (Russia)
e-uru = Ural Mountains (Russia)
-e-urv = Volgo-Viatskii Region, RSFSR
e-urw = Siberia, Western (Russia)
e-vc = Vatican City
e-xn = Macedonia (Republic)
e-xo = Slovakia
e-xr = Czech Republic
e-xv = Slovenia
e-yu = Serbia and Montenegro; Yugoslavia
ea = Alps
eb = Baltic States
ec = Europe, Central
ed = Balkan Peninsula
ee = Europe, Eastern
-ei = Iberian Peninsula
el = Benelux countries
en = Europe, Northern
eo = Danube River
ep = Pyrenees
er = Rhine River
es = Europe, Southern
-et = Europe, East Central
ev = Scandinavia
ew = Europe, Western
f = Africa
f-ae = Algeria
f-ao = Angola
f-bd = Burundi
f-bs = Botswana
-f-by = Biafra
f-cd = Chad
f-cf = Congo (Brazzaville)
f-cg = Congo (Democratic Republic)
f-cm = Cameroon
f-cx = Central African Republic
f-dm = Benin
f-ea = Eritrea
f-eg = Equatorial Guinea
f-et = Ethiopia
f-ft = Djibouti
f-gh = Ghana
f-gm = Gambia
f-go = Gabon
f-gv = Guinea
-f-if = Ifni
f-iv = Côte d'Ivoire
f-ke = Kenya
f-lb = Liberia
f-lo = Lesotho
f-ly = Libya
f-mg = Madagascar
f-ml = Mali
f-mr = Morocco
f-mu = Mauritania
f-mw = Malawi
f-mz = Mozambique
f-ng = Niger
f-nr = Nigeria
f-pg = Guinea-Bissau
f-rh = Zimbabwe
f-rw = Rwanda
f-sa = South Africa
f-sd = South Sudan
f-sf = Sao Tome and Principe
f-sg = Senegal
f-sh = Spanish North Africa
f-sj = Sudan
f-sl = Sierra Leone
f-so = Somalia
f-sq = Swaziland
f-ss = Western Sahara
f-sx = Namibia
f-tg = Togo
f-ti = Tunisia
f-tz = Tanzania
f-ua = Egypt
f-ug = Uganda
f-uv = Burkina Faso
f-za = Zambia
fa = Atlas Mountains
fb = Africa, Sub-Saharan
fc = Africa, Central
fd = Sahara
fe = Africa, Eastern
ff = Africa, North
fg = Congo River
fh = Africa, Northeast
fi = Niger River
fl = Nile River
fn = Sudan (Region)
fq = Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
fr = Great Rift Valley
fs = Africa, Southern
fu = Suez Canal (Egypt)
fv = Volta River (Ghana)
fw = Africa, West
fz = Zambezi River
h = French Community
i = Indian Ocean
i-bi = British Indian Ocean Territory
i-cq = Comoros
i-fs = Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
i-hm = Heard and McDonald Islands
i-mf = Mauritius
i-my = Mayotte
i-re = Réunion
i-se = Seychelles
i-xa = Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
i-xb = Cocos (Keeling) Islands
i-xc = Maldives
-i-xo = Socotra Island
l = Atlantic Ocean
ln = North Atlantic Ocean
lnaz = Azores
lnbm = Bermuda Islands
lnca = Canary Islands
lncv = Cabo Verde
lnfa = Faroe Islands
lnjn = Jan Mayen Island
lnma = Madeira Islands
lnsb = Svalbard (Norway)
ls = South Atlantic Ocean
lsai = Ascension Island (Atlantic Ocean)
lsbv = Bouvet Island
lsfk = Falkland Islands
lstd = Tristan da Cunha
lsxj = Saint Helena
lsxs = South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
m = Intercontinental areas (Eastern Hemisphere)
ma = Arab countries
mb = Black Sea
me = Eurasia
mm = Mediterranean Region; Mediterranean Sea
mr = Red Sea
n = North America
n-cn = Canada
n-cn-ab = Alberta
n-cn-bc = British Columbia
n-cn-mb = Manitoba
n-cn-nf = Newfoundland and Labrador
n-cn-nk = New Brunswick
n-cn-ns = Nova Scotia
n-cn-nt = Northwest Territories
n-cn-nu = Nunavut
n-cn-on = Ontario
n-cn-pi = Prince Edward Island
n-cn-qu = Québec (Province)
n-cn-sn = Saskatchewan
n-cn-yk = Yukon Territory
n-cnh = Hudson Bay
n-cnm = Maritime Provinces
n-cnp = Prairie Provinces
n-gl = Greenland
n-mx = Mexico
n-us = United States
n-us-ak = Alaska
n-us-al = Alabama
n-us-ar = Arkansas
n-us-az = Arizona
n-us-ca = California
n-us-co = Colorado
n-us-ct = Connecticut
n-us-dc = Washington (D.C.)
n-us-de = Delaware
n-us-fl = Florida
n-us-ga = Georgia
n-us-hi = Hawaii
n-us-ia = Iowa
n-us-id = Idaho
n-us-il = Illinois
n-us-in = Indiana
n-us-ks = Kansas
n-us-ky = Kentucky
n-us-la = Louisiana
n-us-ma = Massachusetts
n-us-md = Maryland
n-us-me = Maine
n-us-mi = Michigan
n-us-mn = Minnesota
n-us-mo = Missouri
n-us-ms = Mississippi
n-us-mt = Montana
n-us-nb = Nebraska
n-us-nc = North Carolina
n-us-nd = North Dakota
n-us-nh = New Hampshire
n-us-nj = New Jersey
n-us-nm = New Mexico
n-us-nv = Nevada
n-us-ny = New York
n-us-oh = Ohio
n-us-ok = Oklahoma
n-us-or = Oregon
n-us-pa = Pennsylvania
n-us-ri = Rhode Island
n-us-sc = South Carolina
n-us-sd = South Dakota
n-us-tn = Tennessee
n-us-tx = Texas
n-us-ut = Utah
n-us-va = Virginia
n-us-vt = Vermont
n-us-wa = Washington (State)
n-us-wi = Wisconsin
n-us-wv = West Virginia
n-us-wy = Wyoming
n-usa = Appalachian Mountains
n-usc = Middle West
n-use = Northeastern States
n-usl = Middle Atlantic States
n-usm = Mississippi River
n-usn = New England
n-uso = Ohio River
n-usp = West (U.S.)
n-usr = East (U.S.)
n-uss = Missouri River
n-ust = Southwest, New
n-usu = Southern States
-n-usw = Northwest (U.S.)
n-xl = Saint Pierre and Miquelon
nc = Central America
ncbh = Belize
nccr = Costa Rica
nccz = Canal Zone
nces = El Salvador
ncgt = Guatemala
ncho = Honduras
ncnq = Nicaragua
ncpn = Panama
nl = Great Lakes (North America); Lake States
nm = Mexico, Gulf of
np = Great Plains
nr = Rocky Mountains
nw = West Indies
nwaq = Antigua and Barbuda
nwaw = Aruba
nwbb = Barbados
-nwbc = Barbuda
nwbf = Bahamas
nwbn = Bonaire
nwcj = Cayman Islands
nwco = Curaçao
nwcu = Cuba
nwdq = Dominica
nwdr = Dominican Republic
nweu = Sint Eustatius
-nwga = Greater Antilles
nwgd = Grenada
nwgp = Guadeloupe
-nwgs = Grenadines
nwhi = Hispaniola
nwht = Haiti
nwjm = Jamaica
nwla = Antilles, Lesser
nwli = Leeward Islands (West Indies)
nwmj = Montserrat
nwmq = Martinique
-nwna = Netherlands Antilles
nwpr = Puerto Rico
-nwsb = Saint-Barthélemy
nwsc = Saint-Barthélemy
nwsd = Saba
nwsn = Sint Maarten
nwst = Saint-Martin
nwsv = Swan Islands (Honduras)
nwtc = Turks and Caicos Islands
nwtr = Trinidad and Tobago
nwuc = United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Islands
nwvb = British Virgin Islands
nwvi = Virgin Islands of the United States
-nwvr = Virgin Islands
nwwi = Windward Islands (West Indies)
nwxa = Anguilla
nwxi = Saint Kitts and Nevis
nwxk = Saint Lucia
nwxm = Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
p = Pacific Ocean
pn = North Pacific Ocean
po = Oceania
poas = American Samoa
pobp = Solomon Islands
poci = Caroline Islands
-pocp = Canton and Enderbury Islands
pocw = Cook Islands
poea = Easter Island
pofj = Fiji
pofp = French Polynesia
pogg = Galapagos Islands
-pogn = Gilbert and Ellice Islands
pogu = Guam
poji = Johnston Island
pokb = Kiribati
poki = Kermadec Islands
poln = Line Islands
pome = Melanesia
pomi = Micronesia (Federated States)
ponl = New Caledonia
ponn = Vanuatu
ponu = Nauru
popc = Pitcairn Island
popl = Palau
pops = Polynesia
-pory = Ryukyu Islands, Southern
-posc = Santa Cruz Islands
posh = Samoan Islands
-posn = Solomon Islands
potl = Tokelau
poto = Tonga
pott = Micronesia
potv = Tuvalu
poup = United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
powf = Wallis and Futuna Islands
powk = Wake Island
pows = Samoa
poxd = Mariana Islands
poxe = Marshall Islands
poxf = Midway Islands
poxh = Niue
ps = South Pacific Ocean
q = Cold regions
r = Arctic Ocean; Arctic regions
s = South America
s-ag = Argentina
s-bl = Brazil
s-bo = Bolivia
s-ck = Colombia
s-cl = Chile
s-ec = Ecuador
s-fg = French Guiana
s-gy = Guyana
s-pe = Peru
s-py = Paraguay
s-sr = Suriname
s-uy = Uruguay
s-ve = Venezuela
sa = Amazon River
sn = Andes
sp = Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)
t = Antarctic Ocean; Antarctica
-t-ay = Antarctica
u = Australasia
u-ac = Ashmore and Cartier Islands
u-at = Australia
u-at-ac = Australian Capital Territory
u-atc = Central Australia
u-ate = Eastern Australia
u-atn = Northern Australia
u-at-ne = New South Wales
u-at-no = Northern Territory
u-at-qn = Queensland
u-at-sa = South Australia
u-at-tm = Tasmania
u-at-vi = Victoria
u-at-we = Western Australia
u-cs = Coral Sea Islands
u-nz = New Zealand
-v = Communist countries
w = Tropics
x = Earth
xa = Eastern Hemisphere
xb = Northern Hemisphere
xc = Southern Hemisphere
xd = Western Hemisphere
zd = Deep space
zju = Jupiter
zma = Mars
zme = Mercury
zmo = Moon
zne = Neptune
zo = Outer space
zpl = Pluto
zs = Solar system
zsa = Saturn
zsu = Sun
zur = Uranus
zve = Venus
$a 0..1 Time Period Code a0 = before 2999
b0 = 2999-2900
b1 = 2899-2800
b2 = 2799-2700
b3 = 2699-2600
b4 = 2599-2500
b5 = 2499-2400
b6 = 2399-2300
b7 = 2299-2200
b8 = 2199-2100
b9 = 2099-2000
c0 = 1999-1900
c1 = 1899-1800
c2 = 1799-1700
c3 = 1699-1600
c4 = 1599-1500
c5 = 1499-1400
c6 = 1399-1300
c7 = 1299-1200
c8 = 1199-1100
c9 = 1099-1000
d0 = 999-900
d1 = 899-800
d2 = 799-700
d3 = 699-600
d4 = 599-500
d5 = 499-400
d6 = 399-300
d7 = 299-200
d8 = 199-100
d9 = 99-1
e = 1-99
f = 100-199
g = 200-299
h = 300-399
i = 400-499
j = 500-599
k = 600-699
l = 700-799
m = 800-899
n = 900-999
o = 1000-1099
p = 1100-1199
q = 1200-1299
r = 1300-1399
s = 1400-1499
t = 1500-1599
u = 1600-1699
v = 1700-1799
w = 1800-1899
x = 1900-1999
y = 2000-2099
670 0..* PRECIS
$b 0..1 Subject Indicator Number
$c 0..1 String
$e 0..* Reference Indicator Number
$z 0..1 Language of Terms codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$3 0..1 Classification Record Number
$a 0..1 Number
$v 0..1 Edition
$z 0..1 Language of edition codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$3 0..1 Classification Record Number
$a 0..1 Number
$v 0..1 Edition
$z 0..1 Language of edition codes from https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
$3 0..1 Classification Record Number
$a 0..1 Class number
$b 0..1 Book number
$2 0..1 System Code codes from unimarc-kos-a.6
$3 0..1 Classification Record Number
$a 0..* Class number
$b 0..* Book Number
$c 0..* Classification Subdivision
$v 0..1 Edition
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element
$c 0..1 Additions to Names Other than Dates
$d 0..1 Roman Numerals
$f 0..1 Dates
$g 0..1 Expansion of Initials of Forename
$k 0..* Attribution Qualifier
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element
$c 0..1 Additions to Names Other than Dates
$d 0..1 Roman Numerals
$f 0..1 Dates
$g 0..1 Expansion of Initials of Forename
$k 0..* Attribution Qualifier
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$5 0..1 Institution to which the Field Applies
$6 0..* Interfield Linking Data
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element
$c 0..1 Additions to Names Other than Dates
$d 0..1 Roman Numerals
$f 0..1 Dates
$g 0..1 Expansion of Initials of Forename
$k 0..* Attribution Qualifier
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
$r 0..* Part or role played
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$5 0..1 Institution to which the Field Applies
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element
$c 0..1 Additions to Names Other than Dates
$d 0..1 Roman Numerals
$f 0..1 Dates
$g 0..1 Expansion of Initials of Forename
$k 0..* Attribution Qualifier
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..* Subdivision
$c 0..* Addition to Name or Qualifier
$d 0..1 Number of Meeting and/or Number of Part of Meeting
$e 0..1 Location of Meeting
$f 0..1 Date of Meeting
$g 0..1 Inverted Element
$h 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element and Inverted Element
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..* Subdivision
$c 0..* Addition to Name or Qualifier
$d 0..1 Number of Meeting and/or Number of Part of Meeting
$e 0..1 Location of Meeting
$f 0..1 Date of Meeting
$g 0..1 Inverted Element
$h 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element and Inverted Element
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$5 0..1 Institution to which the Field Applies
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..* Subdivision
$c 0..* Addition to Name or Qualifier
$d 0..1 Number of Meeting and/or Number of Part of Meeting
$e 0..1 Location of Meeting
$f 0..1 Date of Meeting
$g 0..1 Inverted Element
$h 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element and Inverted Element
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
$r 0..* Part or Role Played
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$5 0..1 Institution to which the Field Applies
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..* Subdivision
$c 0..* Addition to Name or Qualifier
$d 0..1 Number of Meeting and/or Number of Part of Meeting
$e 0..1 Location of Meeting
$f 0..1 Date of Meeting
$g 0..1 Inverted Element
$h 0..1 Part of Name Other than Entry Element and Inverted Element
$p 0..1 Affiliation/address
716 0..* TRADEMARK
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Data Element
$c 0..* Qualifications
$f 0..1 Dates
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$c 0..1 Type of Family
$d 0..* Places Associated with the Family
$f 0..1 Dates
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$c 0..1 Type of Family
$d 0..* Places Associated with the Family
$f 0..1 Dates
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$5 0..1 Institution to which the Field Applies
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$c 0..1 Type of Family
$d 0..* Places Associated with the Family
$f 0..1 Dates
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$r 0..* Part or Role Played
$2 0..1 Source
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$5 0..1 Institution to which the Field Applies
$8 0..* Materials specified
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$c 0..1 Type of Family
$d 0..* Places Associated with the Family
$f 0..1 Dates
$o 0..* International Standard Identifier for the Name
$4 0..* Relator Code codes from unimarc-relator-codes
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..* Subdivision
$c 0..* Addition to Name or Qualifier
$e 0..1 Name of the other party
$f 0..* Date of legal issue or version, or date of signing
$i 0..* Name of section or part
$l 0..* Form subheading
$n 0..* Miscellaneous information
$t 0..1 Uniform title
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..* Subdivision
$c 0..* Addition to Name or Qualifier
$e 0..1 Name of the other party
$f 0..* Date of legal issue or version, or date of signing
$i 0..* Name of section or part
$l 0..* Form subheading
$n 0..* Miscellaneous information
$t 0..1 Uniform title
$3 0..1 Authority Record Identifier
$a 0..1 Entry Element
$b 0..* Subdivision
$c 0..* Addition to Name or Qualifier
$e 0..1 Name of the other party
$f 0..* Date of legal issue or version, or date of signing
$i 0..* Name of section or part
$l 0..* Form subheading
$n 0..* Miscellaneous information
$t 0..1 Uniform title
$2 0..1 System Code AACR2 = Anglo-American cataloguing rules. - 2nd ed. 1988 revision. - (Chicago : American Library Association ; London : Library Association ; Ottawa ; Canadian Library Association, 1988)
AFNOR = Normes de catalogage publiées par l'Association francaise de normalisation. (Paris:Afnor)
amim = White-Hensen, Wendy. Archival moving image materials. (Washington: Library of Congress)
appm = Hensen, Steven L. Archives, personal papers, and manuscripts. (Washington: Library of Congress)
bdrb = Library of Congress. Office for Descriptive Cataloguing Policy. Bibliographic description of rare books. (Washington: Library of Congress)
bm = British Museum cataloguing rules
DKR = Katalogiseringsregl er for danske biblioteker og bibliografier. (Ballerup: Bibliotekscentralen)
gihc = Betz, Elisabeth W. Graphic materials. (Washington: Library of Congress)
hmstcn = Handleiding voor de medewerkers aan de STCN [Short title catalogue of the Netherlands]
KRS = Katalogiseringsregler för svenska bibliotek. 2nd ed. (Stockholm : SAB:s kommitteé för katalogisering och klassifikation)
NCRT = Nippon cataloguing rules. (Tokyo: Japan Library Association)
PPIAK = Verona, Eva. Pravilnik i prirucnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga. (Zagreb: Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo)
psbo = Российские Правила составления библиографического описания
RAK = Regeln fur die Alphabetische Katalogisierung (RAK). (Wiesbaden: Reichert)
RAK-WB = Regeln für die Alphabetische Katalogisierung an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken (RAK-WB). (Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut)
RCAA2 = Règles de catalogage anglo-américaines.- 2e éd. (Montréal: ASTED)
RCR = Российские правила каталогизации (РПК) (Москва, 2005)
RICA = Regole italiane di catalogizione per autore (Roma : Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliographiche)
rna = Regeln zur Erschließung von Nachlässen und Autographen (RNA)
RPC = Regras Portuguesas de Catalogação
vd16 = Formalerschliessung nach dem Verzeichnis der Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16)
vd17 = Formalerschliessung nach dem Verzeichnis der Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (VD 17)
annamarc = ANNAMARC (Rome : Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliographiche)
ausmarc = AUSMARC Bibiliographic Format (Canberra : National Library of Australia)
calco = Formato CALCO : Monografias e Publicaçoes Seriadas (Brasilia : Ministério da Educaçao e Cultura
canmarc = Canadian MARC Communication Format : Bibiliographic Data. (Ottawa : Canadian MARC Office)
catmarc/1987 = Manual del CATMARC (Barcelona : Institut Catalá de Bibiliografa)
catmarc = Manual del CATMARC (Barcelona : Generalitat de Catalunya Department de Cultura
ccf = CCF : the common communication format (Paris : Unesco)
ccmarc = Zhong guo ji du mu lu ke shi shi yong shou ze = China MARC format manual (Beijing : Hua yi chu ban she)
comarc = COMARC/B format. - (Maribor : IZUM)
danmarc = DanMARC : edb-format til lagring og udveksling af bibliografiske data i maskinl'sbar form (Ballerup : Bibliotekscentralens Forlag)
finmarc = FINMARC - yhtenГ¤isformaatin sovellusohje (Helsinki : Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, Tieteellisten kirjastojen atk - uksikkö)
ibermarc = IBERMARC : Formato Para Monografias. (Madrid : Comisaría Nacional de Bibliotecas)
intermrc = INTERMARC (M) : Format Bibliographique d'É change Pour les Monographies : Manuel (Paris : «Groupe INTERMARC»)
jpnmarc = Japan / MARC Manyuaru = Japan / MARC Manual (Tokyo : Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan)
mab = Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken (Frankfurt am Main : Die Deutsche Bibliothek)
marc21 = MARC 21 format for bibliographic data (Washington : Library of Congress)
normarc = NORMARC : veiledning i MARC - katalogisering og kort oversikt over arbeidsrutiner (Oslo : Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo)
pica = PICA+ format (s'Gravenhage : Pica-Bureau)
pulmarc = Zhong wen ji du bian mu ke shi = PUL MARV format (Beijing : Beijingdo xue tu shu guan zi dong hua yan jiu shi)
rusmarc = Российский коммуникативный формат представления библиографических записей в машиночитаемой форме (российская версия UNIMARC; Книги и сериальные издания). (Министерство культуры Российской Федерации. Российская библиотечная ассоциация)
samarc = SAMARC Manual (Pretoria : State Library)
swemarc = SWEMARC : the Swedish National Bibliography in machine-readable form : format specifications (Stockholm : Kunglige biblioteket)
ukmarc = UKMARC Manual (Wetherby : British Library)
unimarc = UNIMARC Manual (London : IFLA UBCIM Programme)
unimch = Chinese MARC Format (Taipei : National Central Library)
unimci = Prirucnik za UNIMARC (Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveuiciliišna knjiznica)
unimcz = UNIMARC manuál (Prague : Národni knihivna Ceské republiky)
unimes = UNIMARC [Spanish implementation]
unimfr = Manuel de l’UNIMARC. Verson française (Munich : Saur)
unimgw = UNIMARC [German implementation]
unimrur = Руководство по UNIMARC = UNIMARC Manual. (Москва : Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека России)
unimrus = см. rusmarc
unimsi = UNIMARC [Slovenian implementation]
usmarc = USMARC Bibliographic Format. (Washington : Libray of Congress)
$a 0..1 Country codes from http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1140221
$b 0..1 Agency
$c 0..1 Date of Transaction
$g 0..* Cataloguing Rules (Descriptive Conventions) AACR2 = Anglo-American cataloguing rules. - 2nd ed. 1988 revision. - (Chicago : American Library Association ; London : Library Association ; Ottawa ; Canadian Library Association, 1988)
AFNOR = Normes de catalogage publiées par l'Association francaise de normalisation. (Paris:Afnor)
amim = White-Hensen, Wendy. Archival moving image materials. (Washington: Library of Congress)
appm = Hensen, Steven L. Archives, personal papers, and manuscripts. (Washington: Library of Congress)
bdrb = Library of Congress. Office for Descriptive Cataloguing Policy. Bibliographic description of rare books. (Washington: Library of Congress)
bm = British Museum cataloguing rules
DKR = Katalogiseringsregl er for danske biblioteker og bibliografier. (Ballerup: Bibliotekscentralen)
gihc = Betz, Elisabeth W. Graphic materials. (Washington: Library of Congress)
hmstcn = Handleiding voor de medewerkers aan de STCN [Short title catalogue of the Netherlands]
KRS = Katalogiseringsregler för svenska bibliotek. 2nd ed. (Stockholm : SAB:s kommitteé för katalogisering och klassifikation)
NCRT = Nippon cataloguing rules. (Tokyo: Japan Library Association)
PPIAK = Verona, Eva. Pravilnik i prirucnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga. (Zagreb: Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo)
psbo = Российские Правила составления библиографического описания
RAK = Regeln fur die Alphabetische Katalogisierung (RAK). (Wiesbaden: Reichert)
RAK-WB = Regeln für die Alphabetische Katalogisierung an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken (RAK-WB). (Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut)
RCAA2 = Règles de catalogage anglo-américaines.- 2e éd. (Montréal: ASTED)
RCR = Российские правила каталогизации (РПК) (Москва, 2005)
RICA = Regole italiane di catalogizione per autore (Roma : Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliographiche)
rna = Regeln zur Erschließung von Nachlässen und Autographen (RNA)
RPC = Regras Portuguesas de Catalogação
vd16 = Formalerschliessung nach dem Verzeichnis der Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16)
vd17 = Formalerschliessung nach dem Verzeichnis der Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (VD 17)
annamarc = ANNAMARC (Rome : Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliographiche)
ausmarc = AUSMARC Bibiliographic Format (Canberra : National Library of Australia)
calco = Formato CALCO : Monografias e Publicaçoes Seriadas (Brasilia : Ministério da Educaçao e Cultura
canmarc = Canadian MARC Communication Format : Bibiliographic Data. (Ottawa : Canadian MARC Office)
catmarc/1987 = Manual del CATMARC (Barcelona : Institut Catalá de Bibiliografa)
catmarc = Manual del CATMARC (Barcelona : Generalitat de Catalunya Department de Cultura
ccf = CCF : the common communication format (Paris : Unesco)
ccmarc = Zhong guo ji du mu lu ke shi shi yong shou ze = China MARC format manual (Beijing : Hua yi chu ban she)
comarc = COMARC/B format. - (Maribor : IZUM)
danmarc = DanMARC : edb-format til lagring og udveksling af bibliografiske data i maskinl'sbar form (Ballerup : Bibliotekscentralens Forlag)
finmarc = FINMARC - yhtenГ¤isformaatin sovellusohje (Helsinki : Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, Tieteellisten kirjastojen atk - uksikkö)
ibermarc = IBERMARC : Formato Para Monografias. (Madrid : Comisaría Nacional de Bibliotecas)
intermrc = INTERMARC (M) : Format Bibliographique d'É change Pour les Monographies : Manuel (Paris : «Groupe INTERMARC»)
jpnmarc = Japan / MARC Manyuaru = Japan / MARC Manual (Tokyo : Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan)
mab = Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken (Frankfurt am Main : Die Deutsche Bibliothek)
marc21 = MARC 21 format for bibliographic data (Washington : Library of Congress)
normarc = NORMARC : veiledning i MARC - katalogisering og kort oversikt over arbeidsrutiner (Oslo : Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo)
pica = PICA+ format (s'Gravenhage : Pica-Bureau)
pulmarc = Zhong wen ji du bian mu ke shi = PUL MARV format (Beijing : Beijingdo xue tu shu guan zi dong hua yan jiu shi)
rusmarc = Российский коммуникативный формат представления библиографических записей в машиночитаемой форме (российская версия UNIMARC; Книги и сериальные издания). (Министерство культуры Российской Федерации. Российская библиотечная ассоциация)
samarc = SAMARC Manual (Pretoria : State Library)
swemarc = SWEMARC : the Swedish National Bibliography in machine-readable form : format specifications (Stockholm : Kunglige biblioteket)
ukmarc = UKMARC Manual (Wetherby : British Library)
unimarc = UNIMARC Manual (London : IFLA UBCIM Programme)
unimch = Chinese MARC Format (Taipei : National Central Library)
unimci = Prirucnik za UNIMARC (Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveuiciliišna knjiznica)
unimcz = UNIMARC manuál (Prague : Národni knihivna Ceské republiky)
unimes = UNIMARC [Spanish implementation]
unimfr = Manuel de l’UNIMARC. Verson française (Munich : Saur)
unimgw = UNIMARC [German implementation]
unimrur = Руководство по UNIMARC = UNIMARC Manual. (Москва : Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека России)
unimrus = см. rusmarc
unimsi = UNIMARC [Slovenian implementation]
usmarc = USMARC Bibliographic Format. (Washington : Libray of Congress)
$h 0..1 Original Control Number
$a 0..1 ISSN Centre Code
$a 0..1 Text of note
$a 0..* Code of Institution
$2 0..1 System Code
$a 0..1 Institution Identifier
$b 0..* Sub-Location Identifier
$c 0..1 Address
$d 0..1 Coded Location Qualifier (2 or 3 characters) Qualifier type a = week(s)
b = month(s)
c = year(s) Part
d = edition(s)
e = issue(s)
f = supplement(s)
$e 0..1 Non-coded Location Qualifier
$g 0..1 Call Number Prefix
$j 0..1 Call Number
$k 0..1 Shelving Form of Title, Author, Author/Title
$l 0..1 Call Number Suffix
$m 0..1 Item Identifier
$n 0..1 Copy Identifier
$p 0..1 Country codes from http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1140221
$t 0..1 Copy Number
$x 0..* Non-public Note
$y 0..* Public Note
$2 0..* Link text
$a 0..* Host name
$b 0..* Access number
$c 0..* Compression information
$d 0..* Path
$e 0..1 Date and Hour of Consultation and Access
$f 0..* Electronic name
$h 0..1 Processor of request
$i 0..* Instruction
$j 0..1 Bits per second
$k 0..1 Password
$l 0..1 Logon/login
$m 0..* Contact for access assistance
$n 0..1 Name of location of host in subfield $a
$o 0..1 Operating system
$p 0..1 Port
$q 0..1 Electronic Format Type
$r 0..1 Settings
$s 0..* File size
$t 0..* Terminal emulation
$u 0..1 Uniform Resource Identifier
$v 0..* Hours access method available
$w 0..* Record control number
$x 0..* Nonpublic note
$y 0..1 Access method
$z 0..* Public note
$2 0..1 System Code AACR2 = Anglo-American cataloguing rules. - 2nd ed. 1988 revision. - (Chicago : American Library Association ; London : Library Association ; Ottawa ; Canadian Library Association, 1988)
AFNOR = Normes de catalogage publiées par l'Association francaise de normalisation. (Paris:Afnor)
amim = White-Hensen, Wendy. Archival moving image materials. (Washington: Library of Congress)
appm = Hensen, Steven L. Archives, personal papers, and manuscripts. (Washington: Library of Congress)
bdrb = Library of Congress. Office for Descriptive Cataloguing Policy. Bibliographic description of rare books. (Washington: Library of Congress)
bm = British Museum cataloguing rules
DKR = Katalogiseringsregl er for danske biblioteker og bibliografier. (Ballerup: Bibliotekscentralen)
gihc = Betz, Elisabeth W. Graphic materials. (Washington: Library of Congress)
hmstcn = Handleiding voor de medewerkers aan de STCN [Short title catalogue of the Netherlands]
KRS = Katalogiseringsregler för svenska bibliotek. 2nd ed. (Stockholm : SAB:s kommitteé för katalogisering och klassifikation)
NCRT = Nippon cataloguing rules. (Tokyo: Japan Library Association)
PPIAK = Verona, Eva. Pravilnik i prirucnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga. (Zagreb: Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo)
psbo = Российские Правила составления библиографического описания
RAK = Regeln fur die Alphabetische Katalogisierung (RAK). (Wiesbaden: Reichert)
RAK-WB = Regeln für die Alphabetische Katalogisierung an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken (RAK-WB). (Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut)
RCAA2 = Règles de catalogage anglo-américaines.- 2e éd. (Montréal: ASTED)
RCR = Российские правила каталогизации (РПК) (Москва, 2005)
RICA = Regole italiane di catalogizione per autore (Roma : Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliographiche)
rna = Regeln zur Erschließung von Nachlässen und Autographen (RNA)
RPC = Regras Portuguesas de Catalogação
vd16 = Formalerschliessung nach dem Verzeichnis der Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16)
vd17 = Formalerschliessung nach dem Verzeichnis der Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (VD 17)
annamarc = ANNAMARC (Rome : Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliographiche)
ausmarc = AUSMARC Bibiliographic Format (Canberra : National Library of Australia)
calco = Formato CALCO : Monografias e Publicaçoes Seriadas (Brasilia : Ministério da Educaçao e Cultura
canmarc = Canadian MARC Communication Format : Bibiliographic Data. (Ottawa : Canadian MARC Office)
catmarc/1987 = Manual del CATMARC (Barcelona : Institut Catalá de Bibiliografa)
catmarc = Manual del CATMARC (Barcelona : Generalitat de Catalunya Department de Cultura
ccf = CCF : the common communication format (Paris : Unesco)
ccmarc = Zhong guo ji du mu lu ke shi shi yong shou ze = China MARC format manual (Beijing : Hua yi chu ban she)
comarc = COMARC/B format. - (Maribor : IZUM)
danmarc = DanMARC : edb-format til lagring og udveksling af bibliografiske data i maskinl'sbar form (Ballerup : Bibliotekscentralens Forlag)
finmarc = FINMARC - yhtenГ¤isformaatin sovellusohje (Helsinki : Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, Tieteellisten kirjastojen atk - uksikkö)
ibermarc = IBERMARC : Formato Para Monografias. (Madrid : Comisaría Nacional de Bibliotecas)
intermrc = INTERMARC (M) : Format Bibliographique d'É change Pour les Monographies : Manuel (Paris : «Groupe INTERMARC»)
jpnmarc = Japan / MARC Manyuaru = Japan / MARC Manual (Tokyo : Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan)
mab = Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken (Frankfurt am Main : Die Deutsche Bibliothek)
marc21 = MARC 21 format for bibliographic data (Washington : Library of Congress)
normarc = NORMARC : veiledning i MARC - katalogisering og kort oversikt over arbeidsrutiner (Oslo : Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo)
pica = PICA+ format (s'Gravenhage : Pica-Bureau)
pulmarc = Zhong wen ji du bian mu ke shi = PUL MARV format (Beijing : Beijingdo xue tu shu guan zi dong hua yan jiu shi)
rusmarc = Российский коммуникативный формат представления библиографических записей в машиночитаемой форме (российская версия UNIMARC; Книги и сериальные издания). (Министерство культуры Российской Федерации. Российская библиотечная ассоциация)
samarc = SAMARC Manual (Pretoria : State Library)
swemarc = SWEMARC : the Swedish National Bibliography in machine-readable form : format specifications (Stockholm : Kunglige biblioteket)
ukmarc = UKMARC Manual (Wetherby : British Library)
unimarc = UNIMARC Manual (London : IFLA UBCIM Programme)
unimch = Chinese MARC Format (Taipei : National Central Library)
unimci = Prirucnik za UNIMARC (Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveuiciliišna knjiznica)
unimcz = UNIMARC manuál (Prague : Národni knihivna Ceské republiky)
unimes = UNIMARC [Spanish implementation]
unimfr = Manuel de l’UNIMARC. Verson française (Munich : Saur)
unimgw = UNIMARC [German implementation]
unimrur = Руководство по UNIMARC = UNIMARC Manual. (Москва : Государственная публичная научно-техническая библиотека России)
unimrus = см. rusmarc
unimsi = UNIMARC [Slovenian implementation]
usmarc = USMARC Bibliographic Format. (Washington : Libray of Congress)
$a 0..* Tag of the Source Format Field
$b 0..* Indicators and Subfields of the Source Format Field
LEADER 0..1 positions:
10 Indicator length
11 Subfield identifier length
17 Encoding level
18 Descriptive Cataloguing Form
19 Undefined
20 Length of 'Length of Field'
21 Length of 'Starting Character Position'
22 Length of Implementation-Defined Portion
23 Undefined
00-04 Record length
05 Record status
06 Type of record
07 Bibliographic level
08 Hierarchical level code
09 Type of control
12-16 Base address of data

Codelists ?

This schema contains 4 codelists.

UNIMARC Relator Codes

See UNIMARC Manual: Bibliographic Format, Appendix B

100 = Bibliographic antecedent
110 = Binder
120 = Binding designer
130 = Book designer
140 = Bookjacket designer
150 = Bookplate designer
160 = Bookseller
170 = Calligrapher
180 = Cartographer
190 = Censor
195 = Choral director
200 = Choreographer
202 = Circus performer
205 = Collaborator
206 = Collector of field material
207 = Comedian
210 = Commentator
212 = Commentator for written text
220 = Compiler
230 = Composer
233 = Composer of adapted work
236 = Composer of main musical work
240 = Compositor
245 = Conceptor
250 = Conductor
255 = Consultant to a project.
257 = Continuator
260 = Copyright holder
270 = Corrector
273 = Curator of an exhibition
275 = Dancer
280 = Dedicatee
290 = Dedicator
295 = Degree-grantor
300 = Director
303 = Disc jockey
305 = Dissertant
310 = Distributor
320 = Donor
330 = Dubious author
340 = Editor
350 = Engraver
360 = Etcher
365 = Expert
370 = Film editor
380 = Forger
390 = Former owner
395 = Founder
400 = Funder [Obsolete]
410 = Graphic technician
420 = Honoree
430 = Illuminator
440 = Illustrator
445 = Impresario
450 = Inscriber
460 = Interviewee
470 = Interviewer
475 = Issuing body
480 = Librettist
490 = Licensee
500 = Licensor
510 = Lithographer
520 = Lyricist
530 = Metal-engraver
535 = Mime artist
540 = Monitor
545 = Musician
550 = Narrator
555 = Opponent
557 = Organiser of meeting
560 = Originator
570 = Other
580 = Papermaker
582 = Patent applicant
584 = Patent inventor
587 = Patentee
590 = Performer
595 = Performer of research
600 = Photographer
605 = Presenter
610 = Printer
620 = Printer of plates
630 = Producer
632 = Production designer
633 = Production personnel
635 = Programmer
637 = Project manager
640 = Proof-reader
650 = Publisher
651 = Publishing director
655 = Puppeteer
660 = Recipient of letters
665 = Record producer
670 = Recording engineer
672 = Remixer
673 = Research team head
675 = Reviewer
677 = Research team member
680 = Rubricator
690 = Scenarist
695 = Scientific advisor
700 = Scribe
705 = Sculptor
710 = Secretary
720 = Signer
721 = Singer
723 = Sponsor
725 = Standards body
726 = Stunt performer
727 = Thesis advisor
730 = Translator
740 = Type designer
750 = Typographer
753 = Vendor
755 = Vocalist
760 = Wood-engraver
770 = Writer of accompanying material
000 = Undetermined function
005 = Actor
010 = Adapter
018 = Animator
020 = Annotator
030 = Arranger
040 = Artist
050 = Assignee
060 = Associated name
065 = Auctioneer
070 = Author
072 = Author in quotations or text extracts
075 = Author of afterword, postface, colophon, etc.
080 = Author of introduction, etc.
090 = Author of dialogue

UNIMARC Subject Systems, Classification Schemas and Typologies

See UNIMARC Manual: Bibliographic Format, Appendix A.6

agrovoc = AGROVOC thesaurus. (Rome : AGRIS)
bic = BIC subject categories. (London : BIC) (http://www.bic.org)
bmsi = British museum subject index
cae = National Library of Canada (English) subject headings. (Ottawa : National Library of Canada)
caf = National Library of Canada (French) subject headings. (Ottawa : National Library of Canada)
ericd = Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors. (Washington : Educational Resources Information Center)
eudised = Thesaurus (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy : Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique du CNRS)
fei = Fingerprints = Empreintes = Impronte. (Paris : Institut de Richerche et d’Histoire des Textes in association with the National Library of Scotland, 1984)
francis = Thesaurus (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy : Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique du CNRS)
gmgpc = Descriptive terms for graphic materials : genre and physical characteristics headings. (Washington : Library of Congress)
gsafd = Guidelines on subject access to individual works on fiction, drama, etc (Chicago : Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association)
ifremer = IFREMER Thesaurus (Issy-les-Moulineaux : Institut francais de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer)
ima = Le thésaurus monde arabe. (Paris : Institut du monde Arabe)
inist = INIS : Thesaurus. (Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency)
inspect = INSPECT thesaurus. (London : Institution of Electrical Engineers)
lc = Library of Congress Subject Headings. (Washington : Library of Congress)
lcch = Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings. (Washington : Library of Congress)
lctgm = United States. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Thesaurus for graphic materials. (Washington : Library of Congress)
mesh = Medical Subject Headings. (Bethesda, Md. : United States. National Library of Medicine)
nal = U.S. National Agricultural Library subject headings. (Beltsville, Md. : National Agricultural Library)
nsogi = Nuovo soggettario: guida al sistema italiano di indicizzazione per soggetto : thesaurus. (Firenze: Biblioteca nazionale centrale)
pascal = Thesaurus (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy : Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique du CNRS)
rameau = RAMEAU : repertoire d’autorite-matiere encyclopedique et alphabetique unifie. (Paris : Bibliotheque nationale de France ; Montpellier : Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement superieur)
rbbin = Binding terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing (Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries)
rbgenr = Genre Terms : A Thesaurus for use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing (Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries)
rbpap = Paper terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing (Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries)
rbpri = Printing and publishing evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing (Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries)
rbprov = Provenance evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing (Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries)
rbtyp = Type evidence : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing (Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries)
sears = Sears, Minnie Earl. Sears List of Subject Headings. (New York : H.M. Wilson)
she = SHE : subject headings for engineers. (New York : Engeneering Index, inc)
sipor = SIPORbase : sistema de indexação em português. (Lisboa : Biblioteca Nacional)
test = United States. Dept. of Defence. Thesaurus for engeneering and scientific terms (Washington : Dept. of Defence)
watrest = United States. Bureau of Reclamation. Thesaurus of water resources terms; a collection of water resources and related terms for use in indexing techical information. (Washington : Bureau of Reclamation)
ast = Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio : OCLC) (Website: http://www.oclc.org/research/projects/fast/; the interface to the FAST Authority File: http://fast.oclc.org)
basic = Book and Serials Industry Communications Subject Heading Codes (Book Industry Study Group, (http://www.bisg.org )
ddc = Dewey Decimal Classification
lcc = Library of Congress Classification
msc = Mathematical Subject Classification (American Mathematical Society) (Website : http://www.ams.org/msc/)
pcdm = Principes de classement des documents musicaux applicables aux xollections de pret (Paris : Association pour la Cooperation de l’Interprofession Musicale & Mediatheque musicale de Paris)
rubbk = Библиотечно-библиографическая классификация (Министерство культуры РФ, Российская Государственная Библиотека, Российская Национальная библиотека, Российская Книжная Палата, Библиотека Российской академии Наук)
rugasnti = Государственная автоматизированная система научной и технической информации (Всероссийский институт научной и технической информации)
sab = Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibiliotek (SAB : s kommitté for katalogisering och klassifikation)
udc = Universal Decimal Classification
usunal = National Agricultural Library
usnlm = National Library of Medicine National Library of Medicine classification. (Bethesda (Md) : National Library of Medicine)
frTAV = France – Typologies audiovisuelles (Paris : Bibliotheque nationale de France)
local = The code list used is not a standard.

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code

AF = Afghanistan
AX = Åland Islands
AL = Albania
DZ = Algeria
AS = American Samoa
AD = Andorra
AO = Angola
AI = Anguilla
AQ = Antarctica
AG = Antigua and Barbuda
AR = Argentina
AM = Armenia
AW = Aruba
AU = Australia
AT = Austria
AZ = Azerbaijan
BS = Bahamas
BH = Bahrain
BD = Bangladesh
BB = Barbados
BY = Belarus
BE = Belgium
BZ = Belize
BJ = Benin
BM = Bermuda
BT = Bhutan
BO = Bolivia, Plurinational State of
BQ = Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
BA = Bosnia and Herzegovina
BW = Botswana
BV = Bouvet Island
BR = Brazil
IO = British Indian Ocean Territory
BN = Brunei Darussalam
BG = Bulgaria
BF = Burkina Faso
BI = Burundi
KH = Cambodia
CM = Cameroon
CA = Canada
CV = Cape Verde
KY = Cayman Islands
CF = Central African Republic
TD = Chad
CL = Chile
CN = China
CX = Christmas Island
CC = Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CO = Colombia
KM = Comoros
CG = Congo
CD = Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
CK = Cook Islands
CR = Costa Rica
CI = Côte d'Ivoire
HR = Croatia
CU = Cuba
CW = Curaçao
CY = Cyprus
CZ = Czech Republic
DK = Denmark
DJ = Djibouti
DM = Dominica
DO = Dominican Republic
EC = Ecuador
EG = Egypt
SV = El Salvador
GQ = Equatorial Guinea
ER = Eritrea
EE = Estonia
ET = Ethiopia
FK = Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FO = Faroe Islands
FJ = Fiji
FI = Finland
FR = France
GF = French Guiana
PF = French Polynesia
TF = French Southern Territories
GA = Gabon
GM = Gambia
GE = Georgia
DE = Germany
GH = Ghana
GI = Gibraltar
GR = Greece
GL = Greenland
GD = Grenada
GP = Guadeloupe
GU = Guam
GT = Guatemala
GG = Guernsey
GN = Guinea
GW = Guinea-Bissau
GY = Guyana
HT = Haiti
HM = Heard Island and McDonald Islands
VA = Holy See (Vatican City State)
HN = Honduras
HK = Hong Kong
HU = Hungary
IS = Iceland
IN = India
ID = Indonesia
IR = Iran, Islamic Republic of
IQ = Iraq
IE = Ireland
IM = Isle of Man
IL = Israel
IT = Italy
JM = Jamaica
JP = Japan
JE = Jersey
JO = Jordan
KZ = Kazakhstan
KE = Kenya
KI = Kiribati
KP = Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
KR = Korea, Republic of
KW = Kuwait
KG = Kyrgyzstan
LA = Lao People's Democratic Republic
LV = Latvia
LB = Lebanon
LS = Lesotho
LR = Liberia
LY = Libya
LI = Liechtenstein
LT = Lithuania
LU = Luxembourg
MO = Macao
MK = Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
MG = Madagascar
MW = Malawi
MY = Malaysia
MV = Maldives
ML = Mali
MT = Malta
MH = Marshall Islands
MQ = Martinique
MR = Mauritania
MU = Mauritius
YT = Mayotte
MX = Mexico
FM = Micronesia, Federated States of
MD = Moldova, Republic of
MC = Monaco
MN = Mongolia
ME = Montenegro
MS = Montserrat
MA = Morocco
MZ = Mozambique
MM = Myanmar
NA = Namibia
NR = Nauru
NP = Nepal
NL = Netherlands
NC = New Caledonia
NZ = New Zealand
NI = Nicaragua
NE = Niger
NG = Nigeria
NU = Niue
NF = Norfolk Island
MP = Northern Mariana Islands
NO = Norway
OM = Oman
PK = Pakistan
PW = Palau
PS = Palestine, State of
PA = Panama
PG = Papua New Guinea
PY = Paraguay
PE = Peru
PH = Philippines
PN = Pitcairn
PL = Poland
PT = Portugal
PR = Puerto Rico
QA = Qatar
RE = Réunion
RO = Romania
RU = Russian Federation
RW = Rwanda
BL = Saint Barthélemy
SH = Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
KN = Saint Kitts and Nevis
LC = Saint Lucia
MF = Saint Martin (French part)
PM = Saint Pierre and Miquelon
VC = Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
WS = Samoa
SM = San Marino
ST = Sao Tome and Principe
SA = Saudi Arabia
SN = Senegal
RS = Serbia
SC = Seychelles
SL = Sierra Leone
SG = Singapore
SX = Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
SK = Slovakia
SI = Slovenia
SB = Solomon Islands
SO = Somalia
ZA = South Africa
GS = South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
SS = South Sudan
ES = Spain
LK = Sri Lanka
SD = Sudan
SR = Suriname
SJ = Svalbard and Jan Mayen
SZ = Swaziland
SE = Sweden
CH = Switzerland
SY = Syrian Arab Republic
TW = Taiwan, Province of China
TJ = Tajikistan
TZ = Tanzania, United Republic of
TH = Thailand
TL = Timor-Leste
TG = Togo
TK = Tokelau
TO = Tonga
TT = Trinidad and Tobago
TN = Tunisia
TR = Turkey
TM = Turkmenistan
TC = Turks and Caicos Islands
TV = Tuvalu
UG = Uganda
UA = Ukraine
AE = United Arab Emirates
GB = United Kingdom
US = United States
UM = United States Minor Outlying Islands
UY = Uruguay
UZ = Uzbekistan
VU = Vanuatu
VE = Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
VN = Viet Nam
VG = Virgin Islands, British
VI = Virgin Islands, U.S.
WF = Wallis and Futuna
EH = Western Sahara
YE = Yemen
ZM = Zambia
ZW = Zimbabwe

ISO 639-2


abk = Abkhazian
ace = Achinese
ach = Acoli
ada = Adangme
ady = Adyghe; Adygei
aar = Afar
afh = Afrihili
afr = Afrikaans
afa = Afro-Asiatic (Other)
ain = Ainu
aka = Akan
akk = Akkadian
alb = Albanian
ale = Aleut
alg = Algonquian languages
tut = Altaic (Other)
amh = Amharic
anp = Angika
apa = Apache languages
ara = Arabic
arg = Aragonese
arp = Arapaho
arw = Arawak
arm = Armenian
rup = Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian
art = Artificial (Other)
asm = Assamese
ast = Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese
ath = Athapascan languages
aus = Australian languages
map = Austronesian (Other)
ava = Avaric
ave = Avestan
awa = Awadhi
aym = Aymara
aze = Azerbaijani
ban = Balinese
bat = Baltic (Other)
bal = Baluchi
bam = Bambara
bai = Bamileke languages
bad = Banda languages
bnt = Bantu (Other)
bas = Basa
bak = Bashkir
baq = Basque
btk = Batak languages
bej = Beja; Bedawiyet
bel = Belarusian
bem = Bemba
ben = Bengali
ber = Berber (Other)
bho = Bhojpuri
bih = Bihari
bik = Bikol
bin = Bini; Edo
bis = Bislama
byn = Blin; Bilin
zbl = Blissymbols; Blissymbolics; Bliss
bos = Bosnian
bra = Braj
bre = Breton
bug = Buginese
bul = Bulgarian
bua = Buriat
bur = Burmese
cad = Caddo
cat = Catalan; Valencian
cau = Caucasian (Other)
ceb = Cebuano
cel = Celtic (Other)
cai = Central American Indian (Other)
khm = Central Khmer
chg = Chagatai
cmc = Chamic languages
cha = Chamorro
che = Chechen
chr = Cherokee
chy = Cheyenne
chb = Chibcha
nya = Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja
chi = Chinese
chn = Chinook jargon
chp = Chipewyan; Dene Suline
cho = Choctaw
chu = Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church, Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church, Slavonic
chk = Chuukese
chv = Chuvash
nwc = Classical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal Bhasa
syc = Classical Syriac
cop = Coptic
cor = Cornish
cos = Corsican
cre = Cree
mus = Creek
cpe = Creoles and pidgins English based, (Other)
cpf = Creoles and pidgins French-based, (Other)
cpp = Creoles and pidgins Portuguese-based, (Other)
crp = Creoles and pidgins (Other)
crh = Crimean Tatar; Crimean Turkish
scr = Croatian
cus = Cushitic (Other)
cze = Czech
dak = Dakota
dan = Danish
dar = Dargwa
del = Delaware
din = Dinka
div = Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian
doi = Dogri
dgr = Dogrib
dra = Dravidian (Other)
dua = Duala
dum = Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350)
dut = Dutch; Flemish
dyu = Dyula
dzo = Dzongkha
frs = Eastern Frisian
efi = Efik
egy = Egyptian (Ancient)
eka = Ekajuk
elx = Elamite
eng = English
enm = English, Middle (1100-1500)
ang = English, Old (ca.450-1100)
myv = Erzya
epo = Esperanto
est = Estonian
ewe = Ewe
ewo = Ewondo
fan = Fang
fat = Fanti
fao = Faroese
fij = Fijian
fil = Filipino; Pilipino
fin = Finnish
fiu = Finno-Ugrian (Other)
fon = Fon
fre = French
frm = French, Middle (ca.1400-1600)
fro = French, Old (842-ca.1400)
fur = Friulian
ful = Fulah
gaa = Ga
gla = Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic
car = Galibi Carib
glg = Galician
lug = Ganda
gay = Gayo
gba = Gbaya
gez = Geez
geo = Georgian
ger = German
gmh = German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500)
goh = German, Old High (ca.750-1050)
gem = Germanic (Other)
gil = Gilbertese
gon = Gondi
gor = Gorontalo
got = Gothic
grb = Grebo
grc = Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
gre = Greek, Modern (1453-)
grn = Guarani
guj = Gujarati
gwi = Gwich'in
hai = Haida
hat = Haitian; Haitian Creole
hau = Hausa
haw = Hawaiian
heb = Hebrew
her = Herero
hil = Hiligaynon
him = Himachali
hin = Hindi
hmo = Hiri Motu
hit = Hittite
hmn = Hmong
hun = Hungarian
hup = Hupa
iba = Iban
ice = Icelandic
ido = Ido
ibo = Igbo
ijo = Ijo languages
ilo = Iloko
smn = Inari Sami
inc = Indic (Other)
ine = Indo-European (Other)
ind = Indonesian
inh = Ingush
ina = Interlingua (International Auxiliary, Language Association)
ile = Interlingue; Occidental
iku = Inuktitut
ipk = Inupiaq
ira = Iranian (Other)
gle = Irish
mga = Irish, Middle (900-1200)
sga = Irish, Old (to 900)
iro = Iroquoian languages
ita = Italian
jpn = Japanese
jav = Javanese
jrb = Judeo-Arabic
jpr = Judeo-Persian
kbd = Kabardian
kab = Kabyle
kac = Kachin; Jingpho
kal = Kalaallisut; Greenlandic
xal = Kalmyk; Oirat
kam = Kamba
kan = Kannada
kau = Kanuri
kaa = Kara-Kalpak
krc = Karachay-Balkar
krl = Karelian
kar = Karen languages
kas = Kashmiri
csb = Kashubian
kaw = Kawi
kaz = Kazakh
kha = Khasi
khi = Khoisan (Other)
kho = Khotanese
kik = Kikuyu; Gikuyu
kmb = Kimbundu
kin = Kinyarwanda
kir = Kirghiz; Kyrgyz
tlh = Klingon; tlhIngan-Hol
kom = Komi
kon = Kongo
kok = Konkani
kor = Korean
kos = Kosraean
kpe = Kpelle
kro = Kru languages
kua = Kuanyama; Kwanyama
kum = Kumyk
kur = Kurdish
kru = Kurukh
kut = Kutenai
lad = Ladino
lah = Lahnda
lam = Lamba
day = Land Dayak languages
lao = Lao
lat = Latin
lav = Latvian
lez = Lezghian
lim = Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish
lin = Lingala
lit = Lithuanian
jbo = Lojban
nds = Low German; Low Saxon; German, Low; Saxon, Low
dsb = Lower Sorbian
loz = Lozi
lub = Luba-Katanga
lua = Luba-Lulua
lui = Luiseno
smj = Lule Sami
lun = Lunda
luo = Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)
lus = Lushai
ltz = Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch
mac = Macedonian
mad = Madurese
mag = Magahi
mai = Maithili
mak = Makasar
mlg = Malagasy
may = Malay
mal = Malayalam
mlt = Maltese
mnc = Manchu
mdr = Mandar
man = Mandingo
mni = Manipuri
mno = Manobo languages
glv = Manx
mao = Maori
arn = Mapudungun; Mapuche
mar = Marathi
chm = Mari
mah = Marshallese
mwr = Marwari
mas = Masai
myn = Mayan languages
men = Mende
mic = Mi'kmaq; Micmac
min = Minangkabau
mwl = Mirandese
moh = Mohawk
mdf = Moksha
mol = Moldavian
mkh = Mon-Khmer (Other)
lol = Mongo
mon = Mongolian
mos = Mossi
mul = Multiple languages
mun = Munda languages
nqo = N'Ko
nah = Nahuatl languages
nau = Nauru
nav = Navajo; Navaho
nde = Ndebele, North; North Ndebele
nbl = Ndebele, South; South Ndebele
ndo = Ndonga
nap = Neapolitan
new = Nepal Bhasa; Newari
nep = Nepali
nia = Nias
nic = Niger-Kordofanian (Other)
ssa = Nilo-Saharan (Other)
niu = Niuean
zxx = No linguistic content
nog = Nogai
non = Norse, Old
nai = North American Indian
frr = Northern Frisian
sme = Northern Sami
nno = Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian
nor = Norwegian
nob = Norwegian (Bokmål)
nub = Nubian languages
nym = Nyamwezi
nyn = Nyankole
nyo = Nyoro
nzi = Nzima
oci = Occitan (post 1500); Provençal
arc = Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE); Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE)
oji = Ojibwa
ori = Oriya
orm = Oromo
osa = Osage
oss = Ossetian; Ossetic
oto = Otomian languages
pal = Pahlavi
pau = Palauan
pli = Pali
pam = Pampanga; Kapampangan
pag = Pangasinan
pan = Panjabi; Punjabi
pap = Papiamento
paa = Papuan (Other)
nso = Pedi; Sepedi; Northern Sotho
per = Persian
peo = Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.)
phi = Philippine (Other)
phn = Phoenician
pon = Pohnpeian
pol = Polish
por = Portuguese
pra = Prakrit languages
pro = Provençal, Old (to 1500)
pus = Pushto; Pashto
que = Quechua
raj = Rajasthani
rap = Rapanui
rar = Rarotongan; Cook Islands Maori
roa = Romance (Other)
rum = Romanian
roh = Romansh
rom = Romany
run = Rundi
rus = Russian
sal = Salishan languages
sam = Samaritan Aramaic
smi = Sami languages (Other)
smo = Samoan
sad = Sandawe
sag = Sango
san = Sanskrit
sat = Santali
srd = Sardinian
sas = Sasak
sco = Scots
sel = Selkup
sem = Semitic (Other)
scc = Serbian
srr = Serer
shn = Shan
sna = Shona
iii = Sichuan Yi; Nuosu
scn = Sicilian
sid = Sidamo
sgn = Sign Languages
bla = Siksika
snd = Sindhi
sin = Sinhala; Sinhalese
sit = Sino-Tibetan (Other)
sio = Siouan languages
sms = Skolt Sami
den = Slave (Athapascan)
sla = Slavic (Other)
slo = Slovak
slv = Slovenian
sog = Sogdian
som = Somali
son = Songhai languages
snk = Soninke
wen = Sorbian languages
sot = Sotho, Southern
sai = South American Indian (Other)
alt = Southern Altai
sma = Southern Sami
spa = Spanish; Castilian
srn = Sranan Tongo
suk = Sukuma
sux = Sumerian
sun = Sundanese
sus = Susu
swa = Swahili
ssw = Swati
swe = Swedish
gsw = Swiss German; Alemannic
syr = Syriac
tgl = Tagalog
tah = Tahitian
tai = Tai (Other)
tgk = Tajik
tmh = Tamashek
tam = Tamil
tat = Tatar
tel = Telugu
ter = Tereno
tet = Tetum
tha = Thai
tib = Tibetan
tig = Tigre
tir = Tigrinya
tem = Time
tiv = Tiv
tli = Tlingit
tpi = Tok Pisin
tkl = Tokelau
tog = Tonga (Nyasa)
ton = Tonga (Tonga Islands)
tsi = Tsimshian
tso = Tsonga
tsn = Tswana
tum = Tumbuka
tup = Tupi languages
tur = Turkish
ota = Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)
tuk = Turkmen
tvl = Tuvalu
tyv = Tuvinian
twi = Twi
udm = Udmurt
uga = Ugaritic
uig = Uighur; Uyghur
ukr = Ukrainian
umb = Umbundu
mis = Uncoded languages
und = Undetermined
hsb = Upper Sorbian
urd = Urdu
uzb = Uzbek
vai = Vai
ven = Venda
vie = Vietnamese
vol = Volapük
vot = Votic
wak = Wakashan languages
wal = Walamo
wln = Walloon
war = Waray
was = Washo
wel = Welsh
fry = Western Frisian
wol = Wolof
xho = Xhosa
sah = Yakut
yao = Yao
yap = Yapese
yid = Yiddish
yor = Yoruba
ypk = Yupik languages
znd = Zande languages
zap = Zapotec
zza = Zaza; Dimili; Dimli; Kirdki; Kirmanjki; Zazaki
zen = Zenaga
zha = Zhuang; Chuang
zul = Zulu
zun = Zuni
qaa = Reserved for local use
qab = Reserved for local use
qac = Reserved for local use
qad = Reserved for local use
qae = Reserved for local use
qaf = Reserved for local use
qag = Reserved for local use
qah = Reserved for local use
qai = Reserved for local use
qaj = Reserved for local use
qak = Reserved for local use
qal = Reserved for local use
qam = Reserved for local use
qan = Reserved for local use
qao = Reserved for local use
qap = Reserved for local use
qaq = Reserved for local use
qar = Reserved for local use
qas = Reserved for local use
qat = Reserved for local use
qau = Reserved for local use
qav = Reserved for local use
qaw = Reserved for local use
qax = Reserved for local use
qay = Reserved for local use
qaz = Reserved for local use
qba = Reserved for local use
qbb = Reserved for local use
qbc = Reserved for local use
qbd = Reserved for local use
qbe = Reserved for local use
qbf = Reserved for local use
qbg = Reserved for local use
qbh = Reserved for local use
qbi = Reserved for local use
qbj = Reserved for local use
qbk = Reserved for local use
qbl = Reserved for local use
qbm = Reserved for local use
qbn = Reserved for local use
qbo = Reserved for local use
qbp = Reserved for local use
qbq = Reserved for local use
qbr = Reserved for local use
qbs = Reserved for local use
qbt = Reserved for local use
qbu = Reserved for local use
qbv = Reserved for local use
qbw = Reserved for local use
qbx = Reserved for local use
qby = Reserved for local use
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qjf = Reserved for local use
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qlc = Reserved for local use
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qlf = Reserved for local use
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qlh = Reserved for local use
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qln = Reserved for local use
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qrt = Reserved for local use
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