6  Completeness

The completeness task counts data elements in the input records and creates basic statistics.

  ./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" completeness
  # or
  catalogues/<catalogue>.sh completeness
  • general parameters
    • -R <format>, --format <format>: format specification of the output. Possible values are:
  • tab-separated or tsv,
  • comma-separated or csv,
  • text or txt
  • json
    • -V, --advanced: advanced mode (not implemented yet)
    • -P, --onlyPackages: only packages (not implemented yet)

6.1 Output files

flowchart LR
  A(Catalogue) --> B[completeness]
  B ---> C(marc-elements.csv)
  B ---> D(packages.csv)
  B ---> E(libraries.csv)
  B ---> F(libraries003.csv)
  B ---> G(completeness.params.json)
  C ---> H(qa_catalogue.sqlite)

6.1.1 marc-elements.csv

is list of MARC elements (field$subfield) and their occurrences in two ways as number or records, and number of instances. The columns in the file are:

  • documenttype: the document types found in the dataset. There is an extra document type: all representing all records
  • path: the notation of the data element
  • packageid and package: each path belongs to one package, such as Control Fields, and each package has an internal identifier.
  • tag: the label of tag
  • subfield: the label of subfield
  • number-of-record: means how many records they are available,
  • number-of-instances: means how many instances are there in total (some records might contain more than one instances, while others don’t have them at all)
  • min, max, mean, stddev the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of the number of instances per record (as floating point numbers)
  • histogram: the histogram of the instances (1=1; 2=1 means: a single instance is available in one record, two instances are available in one record)
documenttype path packageid package tag subfield number-of-record number-of-instances min max mean stddev histogram
all leader23 0 Control Fields Leader Undefined 1099 1099 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1099
all leader22 0 Control Fields Leader Length of the implementation-defined portion 1099 1099 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1099
all leader21 0 Control Fields Leader Length of the starting-character-position portion 1099 1099 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1099
all 110$a 2 Main Entry Main Entry - Corporate Name Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element 4 4 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=4
all 340$b 5 Physical Description Physical Medium Dimensions 2 3 1 2 1.5 0.3535533905932738 1=1; 2=1
all 363$a 5 Physical Description Normalized Date and Sequential Designation First level of enumeration 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1
all 340$a 5 Physical Description Physical Medium Material base and configuration 2 3 1 2 1.5 0.3535533905932738 1=1; 2=1

6.1.2 packages.csv

The completeness of packages (packages are groups of tags)

Its columns:

  • documenttype: the document type of the record
  • packageid: the identifier of the package
  • name: name of the package
  • label: label of the package
  • iscoretag: does the package belong to the Library of Congress MARC standard
  • count: the number of records having at least one data element from this package
documenttype packageid name label iscoretag count
all 1 01X-09X Numbers and Code true 1099
all 2 1XX Main Entry true 816
all 6 4XX Series Statement true 358
all 5 3XX Physical Description true 715
all 8 6XX Subject Access true 514
all 4 25X-28X Edition, Imprint true 1096
all 7 5XX Note true 354
all 0 00X Control Fields true 1099
all 99 unknown unknown origin false 778

6.1.3 libraries.csv

Lists the content of the 852$a (it is useful only if the catalog is an aggregated catalog). Its columns are:

  • library: the code of a library
  • count: the number of records having a particular library code
library count
“00Mf” 713
“British Library” 525
“Inserted article about the fires from the Courant after the title page.” 1
“National Library of Scotland” 310
“StEdNL” 1
“UkOxU” 33

6.1.4 libraries003.csv

List the content of the 003 (it is useful only if the catalog is an aggregated catalog). Its columns are:

  • library: the code of a library
  • count: the number of records having a particular library code
library count
“103861” 1
“BA-SaUP” 143
“BoCbLA” 25
“CStRLIN” 110
“DLC” 3

6.1.5 completeness.params.json

The list of the actual parameters in analysis.

An example with parameters used for analysing a MARC dataset. When the input is a complex expression it is displayed here in a parsed format. It also contains some metadata such as the versions of MQFA API and QA catalogue.


6.2 Output files for union catalogues

For union catalogues the marc-elements.csv and packages.csv have a special version.

6.2.1 completeness-grouped-marc-elements.csv

The same as marc-elements.csv but with an extra element groupId

  • groupId: the library identifier available in the data element specified by the --groupBy parameter. 0 has a special meaning: all libraries
groupId documenttype path packageid package tag subfield number-of-record number-of-instances min max mean stddev histogram
350 all 044K$9 50 PICA+ bibliographic description “Schlagwortfolgen (GBV, SWB, K10plus)” PPN 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1
350 all 044K$7 50 PICA+ bibliographic description “Schlagwortfolgen (GBV, SWB, K10plus)” Vorläufiger Link 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 1=1

6.2.2 completeness-grouped-packages.csv

The same as packages.csv but with an extra element group

  • group: the library identifier available in the data element specified by the --groupBy parameter. 0 has a special meaning: all libraries
group documenttype packageid name label iscoretag count
0 Druckschriften (einschließlich Bildbänden) 50 0… PICA+ bibliographic description false 987
0 Druckschriften (einschließlich Bildbänden) 99 unknown unknown origin false 3
0 Medienkombination 50 0… PICA+ bibliographic description false 1
0 Mikroform 50 0… PICA+ bibliographic description false 11
0 Tonträger, Videodatenträger, Bildliche Darstellungen 50 0… PICA+ bibliographic description false 1
0 all 50 0… PICA+ bibliographic description false 1000
0 all 99 unknown unknown origin false 3
100 Druckschriften (einschließlich Bildbänden) 50 0… PICA+ bibliographic description false 20
100 Medienkombination 50 0… PICA+ bibliographic description false 1

6.2.3 completeness-groups.csv

This is available for union catalogues, containing the groups

  • id: the group identifier
  • group: the name of the library
  • count: the number of records from the particular library
id group count
0 all 1000
100 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Universitätsbibliothek Magdeburg [DE-Ma9] 21
1003 Kreisarchäologie Rotenburg [DE-MUS-125322…] 1
101 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Universitätsbibliothek, Medizinische Zentralbibliothek (MZB), Magdeburg [DE-Ma14…] 6
1012 Mariengymnasium Jever [DE-Je1] 19

6.2.4 id-groupid.csv

This is the very same file what validation creates. Completeness creates it only if it is not yet available.

6.2.5 qa_catalogue.sqlite

The contents of marc-elements.csv or completeness-grouped-marc-elements.csv is imported into marc_elements table of qa_catalogue.sqlite. For the catalogues without the --groupBy parameter the groupId column will be filled by 0. The table definition is:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "marc_elements";
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "marc_elements" (
  "groupId"             INTEGER,
  "documenttype"        TEXT,
  "path"                TEXT,
  "sortkey"             TEXT,
  "packageid"           INTEGER,
  "package"             TEXT,
  "tag"                 TEXT,
  "subfield"            TEXT,
  "number-of-record"    INTEGER,
  "number-of-instances" INTEGER,
  "min"                 INTEGER,
  "max"                 INTEGER,
  "mean"                REAL,
  "stddev"              REAL,
  "histogram"           TEXT
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "gme_groupId" ON "marc_elements" ("groupId");
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "gme_documenttype" ON "marc_elements" ("documenttype");
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "gme_sortkey" ON "marc_elements" ("sortkey");

6.3 Internals

The completeness task conists of two steps:

  1. script completeness calls java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.Completeness [options] <file>
  2. import result into qa_catalogue.sqlite

The second step can also be called independently as command completeness-sqlite.