7  Thompson-Traill completeness

Kelly Thompson and Stacie Traill recently published their approach to calculate the quality of ebook records coming from different data sources. Their article is Implementation of the scoring algorithm described in Leveraging Python to improve ebook metadata selection, ingest, and management. In Code4Lib Journal, Issue 38, 2017-10-18. http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/12828

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.ThompsonTraillCompleteness [options] <file>

or with a bash script

./tt-completeness [options] <file>


catalogues/[catalogue].sh tt-completeness


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" tt-completeness


It produces a CSV file like this:

id,ISBN,Authors,Alternative Titles,Edition,Contributors,Series,TOC,Date 008,Date 26X,LC/NLM, \
LoC,Mesh,Fast,GND,Other,Online,Language of Resource,Country of Publication,noLanguageOrEnglish, \