9  Serial score analysis

These scores are calculated for each continuing resources (type of record (LDR/6) is language material (‘a’) and bibliographic level (LDR/7) is serial component part (‘b’), integrating resource (‘i’) or serial (‘s’)).

The calculation is based on a slightly modified version of the method published by Jamie Carlstone in the following paper:

Jamie Carlstone (2017) Scoring the Quality of E-Serials MARC Records Using Java, Serials Review, 43:3-4, pp. 271-277, DOI: 10.1080/00987913.2017.1350525

java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.SerialScore [options] <file>

with a bash script

./serial-score [options] <file>


catalogues/[catalogue].sh serial-score


./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" serial-score
