Appendix G — Contributing

QA catalogue is developed in a git repository at Bug reports and feature requests are managed in the corresponding issue tracker.

Contribution is welcome at:

G.1 Documentation

The documentation is build with quarto. It is published at with every change on the main branch and on the docs branch.

G.2 Source code

We try to follow this git workflow:

G.2.1 1st scenario: preparing the first pull request

clone QA catalogue at then

git clone qa-catalogue
cd qa-catalogue

create a new branch locally for the pull request (the name should reflect the ticket ID and title)

git checkout -b 123-COOL-FEATURE

working on the branch … then commit changes

git commit -am "issue #123: explanation of changes"

upload the new branch to

git push -u origin 123-COOL-FEATURE

… then create pull request at

G.2.2 2nd scenario: preparing another pull request some month later

register the main QA catalogue repo

git remote add upstream

git checkout main

update local develop branch from

git fetch upstream main
git rebase upstream/main

update remote develop branch at

git push

create a new branch locally for the pull request

git checkout -b 123-COOL-FEATURE

work on the branch and commit changes

git commit -am "#123 explanation of changes"

upload the new branch to

git push -u origin 123-COOL-FEATURE

… then create pull request at

G.2.3 3rd scenario: synchronize your branch with main branch

git checkout main

update local develop branch from

git fetch upstream main
git rebase upstream/main

update remote develop branch at

git push

change to the already existing feature branch

git checkout 123-COOL-FEATURE

merge changes of develop to the feature branch

git merge main

check if there are conflicts, if there are follow the next command, otherwise skip to next block 1. fix the relevant files (including testing) 2. commit changes

git add <fixed files>
git commit

update remote feature branch at

git push