17 Export mapping table
17.1 to Avram JSON
Some background info: MARC21 structure in JSON.
java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.utils.MappingToJson [options] > avram-schema.json
./qa-catalogue --params="[options]" export-schema-files
- general parameters
: with subfield codelists-s
: with self-descriptive codes-t <type>
,--solrFieldType <type>
: type of Solr fields, could be one ofmarc-tags
, ormixed
: with FRBR functions (see Tom Delsey: Functional analysis of the MARC 21 bibliographic and holdings formats. Tech. report, 2nd revision. Library of Congress, 2003.)-l
: with compliance levels (national, minimal) (see National Level Full and Minimal Requirements. Library of Congress, 1999.)
An example output:
"label":"Library of Congress Control Number",
"national":"Mandatory if applicable",
"minimal":"Mandatory if applicable"
"label":"LC control number",
"Data Management\/Identify",
"Data Management\/Process"
"national":"Mandatory if applicable",
"minimal":"Mandatory if applicable"
"label":"Patent Control Information",
"name":"MARC Code List for Countries",
"-ac":{"label":"Ashmore and Cartier Islands"},
"aca":{"label":"Australian Capital Territory"},
The script version generates 3 files, with different details: * avram-schemas/marc-schema.json
* avram-schemas/marc-schema-with-solr.json
* avram-schemas/marc-schema-with-solr-and-extensions.json
To validate these files install the Avram reference implementation in Node with npm ci
and run:
17.2 to HTML
To export the HTML table described at Self Descriptive MARC code
java -cp $JAR de.gwdg.metadataqa.marc.cli.utils.MappingToHtml > mapping.html